Name: Ben Taylor Time
Category: General
Media Outlet: Time
Deadline: 10:00 AM PST - 18 September
I am writing a piece about roller coasters for TIME and looking
to talk to both roller coaster designers and experts, and fans,
about what makes a great roller coaster:
Want a roller coaster designer or expert to answer:
What makes for a good roller coaster? How has recent roller
coaster technology improved design and the riding experience?
And from a roller coaster fan / enthusiast (ideal candidate: has
been to 20+ amusement parks)
What are your favorite roller coasters in the US and why?
Either a roller coaster designer/expert OR a roller coaster fan
/ enthusiast (ideal candidate has been to 20+ amusement parks)
Jayme Sandusky, OH
Sorry the e-mail didn't copy. It's query- 3cs6 @ helpareporter. net Let's see if this works. The e-mail goes all together. Or you can e-mail me at
Jayme Sandusky, OH
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