Distance: Floor and Seats

Last year, when I was at SFWoA and in line for Superman, I saw a woman having much trouble getting into one of the seats (they are kinda high), she had to have her son get out if his seat (it was already locked so the ride ops had to unlock all of the seats) and help her in, and of course the ride ops were getting all mad and rude at the woman. If they had a stool or something it would of been a lot easier.

Is WT going to have a stool of something, or are the trains lower then superman's. Just wondering because the little things count

P.S. We had to wait 10 mins. for this woman to get in, it was very hard for her, and she wasn't that old, maybe about 50.

[url="http://www.guidetothepoint.com/thepoint/cpplace/thread.asp?ForumID=6&TopicID=7166" target="_blank">Go here Go there it is just like this post, but I don'y know if you question was aswered there or not.

Go to: http://www.thepointOL.com/~simplycp
Once you drop, the fun don't stop!

*** This post was edited by CP rules on 4/13/2002. ***

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