Disaster Transport update?

I've heard from many places that CP may have updated Disaster Transport this year. Also, if you go to the official website, it states "riders will encounter attacking space pirates, exploding asteroids and a laser beaming satallite along their journey." I've never seen any of these things on the ride! (my first ride was in '96, so I didn't get to see all the stuff before it broke)

Does anyone know if this rumor is true?

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
I don't think I've ever *seen* the Space Pirates, but at the top of the lift, Eddie (don't know if that's his name, but it is as good as any for a ship-board computer) says...

Hang on!!

Uh-oh, space pirates. Taking evasive maneuvers...

As for the exploding asteroids...I believe it is right after the first block brake, there is a big rear-projection screen in front of you which used to feature an animation of an exploding asteroid. That hasn't worked in a few years. Finally, I suspect that the satellite is the one in the middle of the big helix but I don't remember any laser beams. I think those gizmos hanging down from the ceiling may be strobes, but I am not certain of that. Never seen them do anything, either.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Best part about that ride is "I'm losing Control!!lol!
I think they should add a dip or even a loop after the "Were loosing control!" part. They say it, and then you are on the brake run. LOL!
Cedar Point will never again be the same.

At cosi a couple weekend ago a guy asked about updates. The CP guy sayed that last couple of years they been looking at different things to do(updates).
hmmm interesting...at least they gave you an answer!
You realize this coaster has no track, correct?

A loop on DT would be... interesting.
Best part about that ride is "I'm losing Control!!lol!

I thought I was the only one who found this incredibly funny.
I wouldn't say you hit the brake run immediately after he says "I'm losing control!" It's been a while but if I remember correctly, you actually go into a nice little helix and through a tunnel before you're braked. Not a bad ending really.
Ya, until you see that cut-out cardboard iceberg before you get in the station!
It was better when "Eddie" actually went through the ride with you. It actually made sense he said "I'm loosing controll!!!". But now, he doesn't even go through the ride. So the kids that go on it now have no idea where the voice is or was supposed to be coming from.
As for my memory if it serves me right...I remember when the first room was a live person entertaining you. If you wonder what that is like, go to it on halloweekends (lame jokes and all still). Does anyone remember the first year when DT opened and the robot in the second room said "Oh Chips" The news got all over it because it sounded like something else we all have heard ;-)I remember the robots actually cleaning and reparing the cars (they STILL do move everyone now and then. I actually saw an arm raise and lower early last year!! Very strange. Now, I can't remember, but didnt' the robot use to follow you all the way up the lift hill? Now it's just at the top. I do remember the lasers shooting everywhere in the building, that was when it was filled with smoke. Now you can see almost everywhere (like look down into the next area and stuff. I'm pretty sure the projection screen was working at least 2 times about two years ago that Dave was talking about. The scenery at the end of the ride (almost positive) did change with in the last year or two. Anyone know? As for the ice berg at the end. I dont' know. Anyone know of and ice berg. Maybe that's what changed, I know it's actually cold at the end...well, on some days. I think the ice berg should be where the strobe lights are at the end. and have lumanesent (sp) ice bergs at the end. I still think that ride has one of the best endings for all it's worth. This ride still has potential for all I believe...CP are you listening? C-ya at the Point!!

"The Future of Roller Coasters"
Matthew Baughman
E-mail: RollerCoasterGod@aol.com
"if memory serves me right"...been watching "Iron Chef"? hee hee!! i like DT. it's a nice break from the rest of the park, especially if it's raining or too hot. it's a far cry better than the one SFGAm used to have..."Rolling Blunder"...oops. THUNDER!!! HA HA HA!!!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Cedar Point is doing something for the big 10, but I really can't say what becouse I am not exactly sure if it has anything to do with the ride itself. (In short I only know that they are going to do something, but I don't know what).

I hope they repaint it. That paint on the inside is in bad shape.

Oh and the space pirates are right on the first drop. *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 4/8/2000. ***
I was joking with the employee at the entrance at the end of last year, about getting hurt from the nonworking props. She took it offensively and said it will change this year!! Hopefully its true!!!!
Boycot Hell!!
Degarmo And Key (Boycot hell)

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