Disaster Transport Front Seat

While most of the special effects are gone, the best seat to experiance those remaining props is still the front. Why on Eart dosen't CP let you pick your own seats on this one?

2001 park line up:

Cedar Point: June 11th, July 3-4

Soak City: July 5th

(other parks N/A a
I think it's cause too many people were afraid of falling out...right, Squishy ;)

My assumption is that they let people on in groups to add to the "experience" - the problem is that now much of that experience is lost, and letting groups in doesn't help. Any former DT ops care to chime in?


I know they group you together a train at a time. Once your on the platform you can pick your seat. I'm not sure what you mean.....
Get with it or die in the process.....
Well it is the same seating policy as MF (at least, as MF USED to be :) ) - if someone else in your group takes the front before you, you are out of luck.

Not always. It depends on the crew, and length of line. When I was on DT, if someone wanted the front row I'd either tell them to stand next to the chain opening or if the line was short I would let them wait. The reason there is no front row line is cuz there is no where to let them wait. In my opinion (Crystal help out here) the back is the best!
DT Crew 1997-1998
DT ATL 1999
Raptor 2000
I usually wait at the very left of the chain. Most people don't realize they drop the chain on the left side first. Nine times out of ten I get any seat I want. It would be intersting if they did have the queue lines like other coasters. First time riders usually expect a crowded loading platform at the top of the stairs. They get there to find out they are next in line....
Get with it or die in the process.....
Thought: Doesn't really apply as much anymore because so much of the theming doesn't really exist like it did...but consider that loading the trains the way they do makes it seem more like you're "loading the spaceship" and adds (added) to the "plot" of the ride.
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Yeah, that's what I was thinking about how it adds to the "experience" by simulating boarding a ship... of course like I said there isn't very much left of that "experience".

I think DT is such a great ride that everyone forgets about i really wish they would re-theme it to the way it was when i first rode it. Does anyone have an idea why they won't fix it, it is the only run down ride at cedar point i just don't get it.

magnum or MF now that is a real question.... final anwser magnum
I haven't really kept track of this, but I'm pretty sure almost always when I ride DT, my group is always stopped thus allowing me or someone else with me to get the front

Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Most likely they won't fix it up simply because its gonna cost money. In some ways, why spend the money on the poor ride? Besides people like us, I have a feeling only few others would even notice the differences.

The other issue is no-one has the time to do it. Sometimes what you need is for a maintenance guy to take it under their wing as a pet project.

I really should be working...
If they REALLY put a lot of time, planning, and money into it, they could make DT into a fairly descent themed ride. The only thing they have to work with is the extremely short time of the ride. But if you could add some of the latest special effects, I'm talking like Universal Studios-esque effects, the GP would DEFINITELY notice and it would restore some honor to the ride.

when i ride frount i always see some of the olde
props y dont they refurbish dt for 2003 or somthine
I calculated what it would cost to get new props for the ride and it's que, (through my families business anyway) and it only came up to about $11,000. I didn't figure in maintenance and installation cost though.

Itec put in shoddy effects to begin with. They used some stuff that's very hard to maintain on a large scale. And that comet falling was a perfect example.

The effects that they have now are less expensive, easier to maintain, and have a longer life spanned than the old effects. They also look better.

I must add that I have never seen someone put their special effects through a 15 hour operating day before CP. Otherwise, in all honesty, I don't think Cedar Point has even considered overhauling DT.

Gemini 100: 100
ive never been on disaster transport...
what is it?
(Sorry I've been away, CPGONEDISNEY! Get my email?)

Disaster Transport is the building next to the Space Spiral with the big 12E on the side. It's an indoor space-themed bobsled roller coaster. If you want details, check out the Disaster Transport page on my website! *Shameless plug* :)

Back is definately better! The shuttle whips around more in the back, so you get a more out-of-control feel, though it isn't as prominent as with the bigger trains. My best ride -- testing after a rainstorm! WOW! Wild ride indeed. :)

As for seating, you pick wherever you want -- if you get there first! I'd reserve the front for certain, shall we say, generously proportioned riders (including TALL!) because there is more room. And if someone asked nicely, I'd let them get a head start, like putting the chain down from their side or something, but it didn't always work out. But we try!

'97 Disaster Crew
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

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