Disaster Transport?

I was wondering if Avalanche Run was reconfigured at all when it became Disastor Transport, or did they just build the building around it..

Whats life if you never get to the point?
It looks to me as though it is exactly the same layout as when it was Avalanche Run. Disaster Transport is such a disaster that CP would probably have been better off to have kept it as Avalanche Run.

G&K Roller Coaster & Amusment Park Gateway
Home of the G&K Award
I think its a good ride if the line is desent, or if its a hot day, but I don't understand why they got rid of the robots and everything, I didn't even know you were "transported" to Alaska until a friend told me. I think the idea of no track is cool though, and would kinda like to see it without a building around it (maybe some tunnels, cause the dark is cool) so you could see the edges and freak out.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
Perhaps "g" has forgotten how insipid Avalanche Run was. Disaster Transport, despite the desultory and poorly-maintained effort at theming, is an improvement.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Some changes to Disaster Transport this season...

The OVERHEATING gizmo above the ready brake is illuminated and flashing. No "Stand clear of the cargo doors...cargo loaded!" message but the other audio seems to be working. Still no exploding asteroid at the first brake. More space junk is visible at the first brake. From the top of the lift to the first brake is entirely dark. The big room after the first brake is more brightly lit, and all those itty bitty strobes are working.

The rhythmic bounce was really bad in the last seat, but other than that the ride is looking better than it has in years.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
The spot lights are also working in the 2nd room.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Do they still have the robot hands coming at you at the top of the lift?

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