Dim lights: The story from High End Systems

Jeff's avatar
As it turns out, High End Systems is exhibiting at IAAPA, so I talked with them about Millennium Force. Their fixtures are technically brilliant, but that's something for another story.

Anyway, the fixtures are sealed, as you might expect since they're for outdoor use. They're sealed with these gaskets. They got a bad batch of gaskets that weren't cured properly, which means that they tend to create a gaseous vapor when they get warm. That vapor coated the back of the lamp reflector, the lens and the lamps themselves, which resulted in dim lights.

So there you have it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Are they going to fix the lights Jeff?
Jeff's avatar
They already were. This happened at the beginning of the season.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Yeah they got dim about a week before Coastermania.
The lights were dim from the beginning. Driving home over first street the first night they had them turned on, you could still barely see them. Even sitting in the control booth at night, you were lucky if you could see all the way to the top of the lift. Wow, I hate knowing more than guests. Especially those that think they know it all.
Jeff's avatar
CP Place Rule 1:
Employees don't slam guests or other employees on this site. Do it somewhere else.

CP Place Rule 2:
Don't disrespect me or any other member of this site.

In this case, "dim" is subjective, and frankly I trust a guy who makes the equipment over a seasonal that hasn't had much of anything positive to say since appearing on this site.

Jeff (who agrees that it was roughly around the time of CoasterMania that the vapor began to take its toll on the luminosity of the fixtures)
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
i just hope one of the locals are gonna freeze for me to get pics of it lit in holiday colors,if they still do that,really wish i was closer ,it would have to be cool to see only mf and the flashing lights on power tower and space spiral lit at night.kinda bet it would feel like summer in a way

am i tall enough to ride?
Sorry, I won't be so caustic next time I state the truth. You guys are all right. After all, some of you have been going to the park longer than I have been alive. I guess I didn't learn anything while I was working there.

I agree with you about the lights being dim, I'm just saying it seemed to me that they were dim from the time that they were installed. I did live in sandusky over the winter, and drove by the park every day and every night. From my view, the lights never were very bright.

I also didn't mean any disrespect to anyone, but it just seems that members of this site, and others, all seem to think they know more about the rides than the operators who run them year in and year out. In their effort to prove the operators wrong, in my book, THAT is disrespect.

I've said my piece, and hope you all accept my apology, and understand where I am coming from.
Alot of the people on this site do work at Cedar Point.
And Mr. exMFATL knows most of us! hehe

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

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