I think that was a limited time offer if you purchased a 4 pack online. Regular ticket prices actually went up $1 from 41.95 to 42.95 for the remainder of the season.
We'll miss you MrScott and Pete
Dang it I want to find one of them coupons for $8 off per ticket...we're going this sunday out of the blue and the $16 for gas would be nice.
if you go to Meijer or Taco Bell and get a Fear Finder they have coupons for $8 off in the back of them.
factory81 said:
Dang it I want to find one of them coupons for $8 off per ticket...we're going this sunday out of the blue and the $16 for gas would be nice.
On the 23rd? You could order a getaway guide and hope it comes by then!
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