Ok-here's an interesting question. Because I am the resident CP expert at my job people always have to make it a Po!nt to tell me they're going to CP. Last week one of my dept members told me this and I KNEW just by looking at him (he is a BIG and TALL guy) there was no way he was going to ride Raptor, Mantis or MF. (I caused many a stackings on Raptor last season trying to get people in those seats so I KNOW who will fit)
I explained this dilemma to another co-worker telling him I was pretty sure he wouldnt beable to ride and asked him if I should tell him before he goes. He told me no.
So yesterday this guys comes up to me and says
"I went to Cedar Point yesterday and guess what? I am never going back to that (&*^%#%&*( place again-I couldnt fit in any of the good rides"
So-here's my question-
Did I do the right thing by not (tackfully) telling him he may not beable to ride
or did I do the right thing by keeping my mouth shut?
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
I think you could have at least gave a gentle warning that the rides don't really cater to big & tall folks. This might have at least made him aware there might be a problem, but ya know, hindsights always 20/20. :)
E Blitz Entertainment
Bay City, Michigan
A Division of LCA Entertainment
It is a very touchy subject, Jo..I had a similiar thing happen to me a few weeks ago with my friend's boyfriend...I think it all depends..but I am confident you made the right decision ;)
If it were me, I probably would have said that there might be a chance that he couldn't fit, but that you couldn't know for sure...he'd have to find out for himself. I don't think you did the wrong thing..better he at LEAST TRY than not go because you said he wouldn't fit :-)
I need some macaroni and cheese....
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
for what it is worth, I probably wouldn't have said anything either. I have been amazed (it was the AMAZEMENT park, after all!) at what can sometimes be contorted if there is a deep enough desire....and as with many things , you can never truly be sure unless you try. Better he be angry with the park that he can walk away from than you that he must see and interact with daily.
Insight from a fat chick:
Let me start by saying, that this guy should have guessed or known better. I am sure he squeezes into the booths at the local Denny's and is aware of his girth so my thoughts lean toward believing that this guy is either in denial about his size or justs plain stupid. In either case how is this to be your fault? I think you did the right thing by not saying anything. How are you to know that he wasn't already fully aware of the delima, you bringing it up could have just embarrassed him. Did he mention he intended to ride all of these rides? If he did,, was he just stating that while knowing in his mind he probably couldn't? Don't beat yourself up over it. I don't think you mentioning it before hand would have prevented his trip anyway, it probably just would have caused him embarrassment.
You were right.
Words to live by: "KNOW THY GIRTH"
Denial is an ugly thing.
Kruggie (knows her girth,,and will fit!)
You might have suggested that you'd seen other people of his size at times have difficulty riding ... in other words not come out and say he wouldn't be able to ride because of his size, rather suggest that it may be a problem. Carefully phrased as a helpful suggestion, perhaps he would have been prepared for such problems. I'm sorry to hear that he won't ever visit again...
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--Groucho Marx
kruggie's right, you did the right thing. If the guy likes coasters and/or has ever been to an amusement park before, I'm sure he's encountered this before and it's no surprise. Sure, some parks may make more accommodations than others, but that's not your call. You did the right thing because after all, you still have to see the guy and you don't want to have told him A) everything would be great or B) no way! and then have him upset at you for either reason. He found out himself, like he couldn't have known already.
We're all with you! :)
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
You did the right thing Jo, by not telling him. Its such a touchy subject and he probably would have been as upset if you had told him versus not saying anything. Definately a wise move.
You did the right thing JO. The least said bettor.
I think it all depends on how well you know the person. If you don't know them well,I wouldn't say anything in fear of making him/her mad. On the other hand,if you do know them well, they would appreciate the advice and wouldn't be offended.
A few years back when Raptor was fairly new, I had a friend larger than me that was going to CP. I simply told him that he might not be able to ride due to the restraint design. he thanked me and decided to try anyways.
After his trip,he told me he did ride but had 2 ride-ops help him. They did warn him at the entrance.
Either way,I wouldn't lose any sleep over it,Jo
http://www.magnummania.com jerry@magnummania.com
I would have to say..Maybe if you can find a way to politely tell the person ahead of time they might not be able to ride everything..I know i would be mad if I spent money to get into a park and not be able to ride anything. See my sister is on the large side..and she hasnt been to a park in a few years..and hasnt rode alot of the newer rollercoasters like Raptor and Batman..and i knew ahead of time she wouldnt be able to ride..so for the fear of hurting her feelings..I more or less blamed it on the park..said something to the effect like the park didnt think much when they built the cars..and not alot of tall or big people can ride. To say that someone should know if they can ride or not ahead of time is not a fair statement...for like my sister..she hasnt been on a Hanging coaster..she wouldnt of known this. So if you have to say a white lie about a park to spare someones feelings..and if you think the person is gentle enough to do it..i say let them know ahead of time...Its really a judgement call. But i would want to know ahead of time if i am wasting my money or not. Just a thought.
I don't think politness is the issue. You should have told him because now he is upset with the park. He could have saved money knowing he wouldn't be able to fit.
You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
I am an overweight person and I am aware of it. I also know that most things in this world are not built for larger people. I don't understand how anyone of size can not be completley aware that they may not fit into certain situations be it a park..a movie theater seat...what ever. If you are too big you know it. Every time you squeeze into a compact car,, a booth at a resturant..what ever. You cant go around blaming the world for making everything too small. Ya gotta catch a clue! If this guy is seriously angry at the park, he has a problem. I think he is more angry with himself. It is obvious to me that this guy wouldn't of handled even the gentlest of suggestions about his size and the rides just by looking at how angry he was after he returned. He obviously is not intune and any suggestions or hints beforehand would have insulted him. Judging also by his reactions of not being able to fit, he wouldn't have listend anyway and went on his merry way and came back probably more angry.
I have never been on an inverted coaster myself, nor a stand up coaster. Being concious of my size and knowing that on regular coasters with lap bars, the lap bars squeeze me in rather tightly. Therefore, I invesigated these things which lead me here to these great discussion boards where I learned that I will fit! (yippee)
I do this to save myself the embarrassment of not fitting.
I will tell you that I carry around about fifty pounds more than I should. I am by no means what one would consider "moribly obese" My husband laughs at me for considering the possibility of not fitting (of course I think he is in denial). But I know.
I can't immagine the person out there that doesnt but I guess there are a few, and those few would be not neccesarily insulted, but embarrassed no matter how kindly put.
I would choose not to insult or embarrass anyone in this way. It is hurtful especially comming from someone who doesnt have the problem.
Wait a minute. Was it becouse he is overweight, or becouse he is tall?
2001 park line up:
Cedar Point: May 5-6, June 11th
(other parks N/A as of 05/02/01
good question Magnum!
I am guessing because he was to ahem-- hefty.
I don't know if tall people are that touchy about their height?
Perhaps I am wrong, I dunno.
First off THANK you to all my GTTP buds for their insight on this touchy issue. The guy we're discussing here is about 6'4" and I would GUESS 270 pounds (all his "excess" is in his "girth" as Kruggie so tackfully put it) So it wasnt an issue about his height, (one of our famous GTTPers here is 6'5")it was totally an issue about his weight.
Thanks again guys .. and especially you Kruggie,
your personal commentary always makes me laugh :)
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!
your are vey welcome Luv!
And on a side note,, I will have you all know that I had no problems fitting in any of the coasters.....the toughest one for me was supprizingly blue streak....had to really cram my*****into that one....thought for sure there would be no air-time but amazingly my butt de-wedged a few times for some thrill....I was just glad it re-wedged properly and I didn't end up all cock=eyed or something.....all the others I fit into perfectly snug...which is alright by me cause I felt safer! lol!
I realize you were "guessing" at his weight, but he had to be more than 270. I am only 6'0" tall and weigh about 280 and had virtually no problem getting on mantis, and only the slightest of problems squeezing into raptor, in fact it was my first experience in the front of an inverted. Being as tall as he was, he had to be well over 300. But I agree, because i have been in the shoes of this guy, and you "know" that you might have some problems, and it's not a fun position to be in, but i love to ride so much, I sure as hell am gonna try and fit if it kills me, fortunately, it isn't that much of an issue any more. Although, SOB was mighty tight! lol
LoneStarGater-you're probably right that I guessed low-which is why you will NEVER see me doing one of those "I can guess how much you weigh" things at CP-some people I would look at and say "I give--just pick a prize" :)
Funny thing is I did find out how much this guys weighs it is 332, so you were right, it was over 300. I did finally ask him how he felt it was CP fault HE didnt fit, he just shrugged his shoulders.
Kruggie-I was wondering about you and so happy you had a good time-I was kind of surprised to hear about BS-Ive seen some mighty hefty couples riding BS together--must've been one tight fit! :)
You must come up on Halloweekends when Im working on Raptor so I can meet you!!!
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I can't ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!