Diary updated!

The diary was updated, what a surprise,no email about it! I think i got 1 so far saying it was updated.
I've gotten email about every update.
Well it looks like they are putting a skin(enclosure) on the stations and incorporating some kind of theme to be used on the tunnels, both of which I am opposed to, but oh well, I shouldn't be complaining about about ANYTHING on this puppy.
why are you oppossed to theming the tunnels? The diary said that they are putting a stone face on them. I think they need to blend them into the frontier trail. I don't think a big metal, concrete (or whatever they are making the tunnels out of) wall would look attractive crossing the trail without some type of theme.
"Themeing" is probably the wrong word here. Would you prefer the term, "decoration"?

I'm guessing they'll look a bit like the tunnels on White Water Landing and the structure surrounding the visible parts of Thunder Canyon. But that's only a guess.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Wishful thinking would give us the high-tech-pseudo-sedimentary-"rockage" that adorns the Peanuts Midway where Snoopy is about to descend down the waterfall in his canoe.
-Dave Kochman
Monty Jasper said that he hasn't rode MF yet but wants to soon, If I was Jasper I would have rode with the engineers (sp?) what a dumby, and by the way Jasper we are all ready to ride!

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI

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