Who has a detailed layout of the mean streak. I want to make a model in 3D studio max of this coaster. Thanks anyway,
I have one, and so did Dan on his website, but it's not there anymore.
I don't a scanner though, sorry.
You could mail the park a letter requesting the layout MS. That's all the advice I give you now.
Just go to the CP Historical Society Thingy. They have a small model. You could take pictures there.
I never had the layout on my site, I wish I did though.
daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 519
"You wouldn't beleive me if I told you!"
Cedarpoint.com has one, but its small and to hard to make out were the track goes. :(
-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island
Dan, are you sure? I swear that when I told someone about the Mean Streak layout a while ago I refered them to your site. Oh well, I must be thinking of Magnum.
I obtained both black and white original layouts of Mean Streak and Magnum just by writing them for an assignment for school.
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 7/30/2001. ***