Dare to compare

So how much taller is Wicked Twister than it's predicessors?  How much faster.  If memory serves me correctly, Superman is 180 ft tall and 70 mph?
Yep, that is correct for Superman.

edit:  However, according to rcdb, the Vertical Velocity at SFGA is 185 feet tall, making it the previous tallest impulse.  The strange thing is that this V2 is only 65 mph, compared to the smaller one at SFMW that is 70 mph.
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 11/20/2001. ***

The speed is independent of the spike height - it has to do with the number of LIM motors, their power, size of the trains, # of times through the accelerators, etc.  On this ride you will get maximum speed coming out of the station, not out of a drop from the spike.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Dare to compare Cp's and Six Flag's...other then the fact of ours being taller....Id have to say...UM.....they are both painted differently!  (insert sarcasm here)
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


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