Crowds May 14th and 15th

We will be visiting from Maine on may 14th and 15th. Can anyone tell us what to expect as far as crowds and waiting in line times.
We have season passes to Six Flags New England but have heard Cedar Point is much better so here we come.

Go buy a magic 8 ball, ask it the question, shake it, and whatever it says is about the best answer you'll get to a question as hard to determine as that. :) We've been over this millions of times and it's always the same answer-we just don't know. I guess that I can say it'll be less busy since it's in May though.

Have fun!

Trim brakes-a necessity???
Can't wait till my June 16-18 trip! *** This post was edited by Chris on 5/7/2001. ***
Hey--I'll be there on the 15th as well! While I agree with Chris that it is very difficult to predict, I can say the following:
1. Traditionally crowds are very low on weekdays in early and mid-May. As a matter of fact, somebody has a website--and I don't know the address--which predicts the crowds. For weekdays in May they say it is "almost empty." I do not know how they got that information but that is what it says. Of course, anthing can happen...
2. It is likely to be less crowded on the 14th/15th/16th than on the 17th (Physics Day).
I suppose we will see next week! I just hope that the weather holds up. I would rather have a nice day with no rain and a few people in the park than a rainy day with nobody there. Hope this helps!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Waiting for Andrews Plug.......:) C'mon don't disappoint me guy:)

There is NOOOOOO way to predict crowds unless you come back and ask us on the 16th...:0

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
The crowd calendar can be found at

Joe McNally
MF Count - 14

Nickname not from the PKI coaster.
Well, May 13 may be congested. Many Ohio high schools are having prom Saturday. To many it is a tradition to travel to CP the day after.

Although I am taking my chances due to Mom's day.

Be there through the thick and thin.
A new on July 4!
Independence is coming
See--I knew that somebody would know the site! Thank you kindly Mr. Spartan!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
My magic 8 ball won't answer the question anymore about how croded the park is going to be on a certain date!

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
my birthday is the 15th but were going 18th 19th 20th
I feel sorry for these first time CP guest trying to get some general information about what they can expect when they visit on certain days. They ask a legit question and all they get are smart*****remarks about magic 8 balls. I think I know where I would stick your magic 8 ball. Granted crowds vary, but on average you know what can be expected for the most part during certain days and months of the year. These people are not asking for exact counts, just what they are LIKELY to expect when they visit CP.
Yes, but the question is practically answered on CPs official page in the FAQ.

8th question down, "when is the best time to visit..."

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."

MF 2K1: 2
To Chris: I don't have a magic 8 ball.
To everyone else: Thank you, it looks like we will have a good time for our first visit to Cedar Point.


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