Making my long winter-awaited return to CP for the first time in 2001, Wed. How have crowds been lately?
I'll take Roller Coasters for $200 Alex!
*** This post was edited by Cedar Creek Mine Ride on 6/18/2001. ***
Yes, I would like to know the same because I am due this coming Wed.
Live for FUN!
Don't let life fly by.
MS, Gemini, DD have had walk-ons latley. Raptor and MF have varied somewhere around an hour. Mantis with only two trains going has been longer than both. Magnum around 15-30. Not too bad really, the lines seemed shorter than I expected with the midways being pretty filled.
Well how are the crowds usually in july? I am going July 15th-18th and I am hoping the crowds are not to bad...
I'll give you a good answer after July 15-18 ;)
Thank God I went in May. MF-7 times, Manits-2, Raptor-5, Magnum-3, Gemini-4, Mean Streak-2, Blue Streak-1, PT up-2, PT dw-2, and a bunch of others I can't recall the numbers.
July Crowds according to the crowd calendar are:
that sucks.......Oh well,I am still going to go in July still.When I look at the CP webcam,It doesnt look all that crowded though.:)
Cedar Point.....HOLD ON!!
I went a Coastermania where I rode 47 coasters in one day. I rode every coaster (except Jr. Gemini) including 20 on Magnum, 6 on MF, 4 on Mantis, and 3 on CCMR, MS, Gemini.
Every ride was a walk on-10 min. wait except MF.
I've noticed on the WebCam too that the park looks deserted! Appearances can be deceiving though, because in the times I've checked it Raptor hasn't been running for a week... :)
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
I was there last weekend...
Friday, there were HUNDREDS of school busses and the waits were long...Sunday was a walk on day...rode Maggy by ourselves, twice. Once in the morning and once at 9 at night. :)
15 mins for MF at 9:45 PM :)
Is Sunday really a better day to go than Monday?? I was planning on going next Monday but I have read here and on CP's site that Sunday is actually a better day. Should I change it and go Sunday?
From what I heard at Coasterbuzz Sundays are actually better.