With the opening of MF this year magnum will no longer be the king of CP. I wonder why CP doesnt do something to put the magnum back on the map for at least a little while. Why dont they turn the trains around for a few months to make it more intense. I personaly love backward rollercoasters, I know there not for everyone, but thats why I say only leave it like that for a short time to help draw more people in. We've developed our own way of ridings Cp rides backwards and its a lot of fun. (we sit in the last seat and turn our heads around and look at the track) I know, its prob. not a good Idea to that, but Its more fun for us, and you only live once. Anyway, I just thought that would be pretty wild experience if the magnum was backwards!
*** This post was edited by Tmsnake on 1/29/00. ***
I always thought CP should turn one of the Gemini trains around backwards – like the Racers at Kings Island. But I am guessing that on a coaster the size of the Magnum, or even the Gemini, that if it were not designed for backwards riding, CP would not turn the trains around for safety reasons. But it’s a fun thought!
Magnum already is on the map and the number one coaster in the eyes of thousands of enthusiasts. It'll always be a special coaster to a lot of people.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
I think going backwards on the magnum would be pretty hard on the human back. Of course going down that first hill backwards gives new meaning to laying on your back looking at the sky. I think there will still be a line for the Magnum. It just won't be a long line (fine with me though. I like the thought of being able to just go right up into the station house.
Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
on busy days, magnum will have a long line... on slow days, magnum will have a shorter line... i doubt you'll notice much of a difference.
Running Magnum backwards is like....., well I can't think of an example but its plain wrong. I've made my mind up on my goal for the number of Magnum laps I want this year and its a very modest 443 laps. Why 443 you ask? It would give me 1500 laps in four years. If I did 478 I would have 1500 in three years :)
Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
dan - ever thought about trying to get into the Guiness World Records with your roller coaster riding??
PetFarm/PetChek 99/ATL 2000
Everyone always says that to me when they learn about how many times I rode magnum this year. All I can say is that what kind of record is there. The person to have the most laps on a Cedar Point roller coaster in one year????? What I did last year I did for me and for my love of the park, I didn't do it to go out and set any records. You do something becuse you love it, not for the extra attention you get (then again it was cool being on the front page of the Sanduksy Register)
My record is not an official record becasue really I was counting, if there was a second person there that kept a tally for me then it could be more official. I had the tally counter with me every time I was at the park. If I was in the middle of a marathon day and I lost count then I would not count the laps. I would go back to a number I knew I already hit and go from there. So for example if I knew I hit 365 for sure and some where between 365 and 400 either the lapbar or seatbelt added a few tallies or I forgot where I was in my count I would go back to 365. That way I wasn't cheating the count and adding more laps than I actually rode.
Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
*** This post was edited by Dan on 1/30/00. ***
Wouldnt that be sorta hard to get up the hill without a lift belt? And then when your done with the first hill you go crashing into the station because there really is no track after the first hill going backwards.....If you think your going to die of whiplash on MF try the Magnum backwards.
I know the magnum will still have a line a be very popular, but I just thought it would be a good Idea! I have a friend In england and he said they turned one of there steal coasters around for some celebration. (of course Its prob. nothing like the magnun) ANyway just thought it would be a fun idea
Dan you will be spending a lot of your summer time on the Magnum i did the math and you will be spending about 886 minutes on it, and for the four years recorded you will spend about 3000 minutes.
Just a thaught:
How come people still say Magnum is going to be worthless with MF? I just don't understand?
Here's a way to look at it if you are one of those who thinks this-
1.Magnum will continue to be handsdown the king of airtime at CP, crushing all of the other 13 coasters surrounding it.
2.MF will be the king of tight banked turns, crushing all of the 13 coasters surrounding it.
3.As far as who will have the best first drop, MF or Magnum, let's let that coin toss spinn in the air until May.
I hope I cleared up any confusion.
"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
*** This post was edited by Vince on 1/30/00. ***
Yes, I'm sure that Cedar Point purposely asked for a MF lay out that would offer a completely different thrill than Magnum. It wouldn't have made sense for them to make another out and back hyper with lots of bunny hops. MF was laid out to add more variety to the coaster line up, while also beating the world record. At least I would guess that was the reason for their decision. I could be wrong since I haven't talked to anyone who's opinions went into planning the ride.
going along with the backwards idea, a backwards coaster is one of the few things CP is lacking! I see only two types of coasters CP doesn't have...a backwards coaster, and a launched coaster.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
...and a floorless...and a mega-looper...and a diving coaster(could have been the first in the states)...
"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
about the big coasters backward thing....SFGAm runs the American Eagle backwards every five years, like clockwork. they do it to mark it's anniversaries (5 years, 10 years...coming up on 15 years in 2001). now, that ride is a BIG racing woodie and it might have been designed that way, but i don't think so. so it can be done on the larger rides but i have never seen it done on a steelie before. i have a feeling it may have something to do with the type of cars on a woodie...but it is VERY cool riding the Eagle backwards. it has a very steep first drop and a GREAT helix where the trains really race each other. it was very neat watching the faces of the other train riders behind you. (they only run one side backwards. heck, they hardly ever race it either!!!) just my two cents.
"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
FYI - The American Eagle opened in 1981, therefore will be celebrating its 20th in 2001.
Scott W. Short
sorry...my bad math again!!!! LOL!!!
"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
The only simple way (and it is hardly simple) to reverse cars on Magnum would be to do what SDC did with Thunderation: that is, reverse cars #3 and #4 of the 6-car train, as those are the only cars that do not have chain dogs or collision bumpers on them.
That said, reversing the cars would change the dynamics of the ride, potentially in an unhealthy way. Remember, the Magnum XL-200 train does not have headrests (thank God!) and thus whiplash becomes a concern with reversed trains. Magnum has not been tested with reversed trains or reversed cars, and reversing the train or cars is almost certainly in violation of the manufacturer's guidelines for safe operation of the ride.
In short, there are lots of reasons not to do it. Don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
One of the best Drops I ever experienced was on the eagle backwards. Thats what gave me the idea for this whole topic