Crazy CP Rumors and Stories for 2000-2001

Since most of us are suffering from some kind of CP withdrawal, I think that we should start another rumors and stories thread. I would have pulled up the old one, but it was kind of long so why not start off fresh. But if you do want to read the old thread, here is the link.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
A new one from school. This is a conversation i had with someone who stoped at my locker to look at my roller coaster pics I have hanging up.

Them---"Cool Pictures"
Them----"you know they are taking Magnum down and selling it to some park in Canada."
Me---" they are not...they already announced the new plans for next year. Tell me this, why would you sell the Number ONE ride in the world 11 years and running?"
Them---"because it's sinking, and so is that new one...whats it called?"
Me---"Millennium Force"
Them---"No...that one that is big and umm..your feet dangle."
Me---"Raptor is'nt new"
Them---"Yea it is my dad told me it was and I heard it killed 3 people this year".
Me---" *bust out Guide To Ride 2000* Ok...look...Raptor-94....Millennium Force-00."
Them---"that book is wrong then"
Me---"Your an idiot *laughs*...*closes locker and goes to play hackey sack with some friends"

As you can tell, that was a number of incredably stupid rumors that all tied together some how. *sighs* freshmen.

If she weighs as much as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch.
I liked that last part. "*sighs* freshmen."--When will they learn!?! :)
On the first time I went to Cedar Point, a few friends of mine were telling me how Blue Streak flew off the track and some people died. I found it hard to belive and still rode it anyway. They also told me how some girl's hair got caught in Power Tower, and someone tried telling me Magnum was sinking but those were two I've already seen that people wrote on here.

------------- --- My stupid website
Well, this is true. My Mom was riding the Corkscrew (in the 70's). She got in and the train started. Great huh? The only bad thing is that the harnesses did not lock. The whole train screamed at the Operators. Halfway out of the station they stopped the train and locked it for them.

Also one time she rode the Blue Streak The ride went normal until they entered the station. Alarms were beeping and they asked everyone if they were OK. Apparently the train had derailed during the ride, but I am not sure. Does the Blue Streak have sensors like that anyway? I had to drag her on to get her to ride again after that. She did not ride it for more than 10 years!!

Now for me. This is sort of freaky

I made a visit to the point this year, sometime in mid August. We rode in the front (of course) and the ride was great, until we were finished. While waiting for the train to leave the station in front of us, the Ride ops. screamed (well not scream, the Raptor Crew I think is very nice) at the people to not get in. Something was very wrong. We sat there for about 20 minutes just waiting. Being in the front I could jump onto the platform and that made me angry that I was stuck and wasting my time. Finally they tested the train and we got into the station. It was down for about 30 minutes.
The next time I rode in the front was the last Friday night of operation. I thought Raptor in the front was a nice way to end the season. This time after the ride was finished, the train made a weird stop in the middle of the station for a second. Soon as I departed they told the people not to get in. It malfunctioned again. I left Cedar point for the year with a Grin on my face. I dont know if they got it up again that night.
Joe E
I throw the Raptor in A loop when I ride in the front.

Hmmmm - interesting.

CP_bound, I agree ;)

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
I don't remember "screaming" at anyone. If we did have to go down for some reason we did have to tell most of the people on the platform we wouldn't be loading trains because they didn't pay attention to the host on spiels.

BTW--The back row is the best on Raptor.

2000 Raptor Crew
Ok, I know this isn't a rumor or anything, but it is a response to anyone (most likely no one from GTTP, because they know) who actually believe that the Magnum is sinking:

Ok, first off, if Magnum were sinking, the entire structure would not be sinking at the same rate. And if parts of it were sinking, it would mean that the tracks would break apart from the stress of bending, thus, the Magnum would be unsafe to ride because of the breaking tracks. C'mon people...simple logic would tell us this!
well, that, and I'm a engineering major

So, when some idiot who asks you "when is Cedar Point going to tear down the Magnum?", and you respond "They're not. Why would they?" and they say "because it's sinking", please to all you highly intellectual GTTP members, do us all a big favor and explain to them WHY it is not sinking, rather than just saying its not.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
Magnum isn't sinking!!! But Lake Erie is SHRINKING!! Wooohoo - more room for Cedar Point!!

I have heard a rumor of a kid trying to touch Corkscrews track and got hit by an oncoming train.
I doubt this ever happened though.

MF Count: 11
Hey! Us freshmen have feelings too.

By the way, the two most "coaster inteligent" people in my school are freshmen. (me being one of them)

"Life is just a series of crushing defeats...until you just wish Flanders were dead."
You tell 'em Kevin! Yeah the back seat is the best!!:)

Disaster Crew '97-'99
Raptor Crew 2000
Here it is in more detail. Most of passengers were already in the train and the crew had to tell them to get out (because they were ignorant, I could even hear the spiel saying "please do not get it"). They Crew did this rather nicely. They then proceeded to the two trains that were outside the station and kept us company and asked if we were OK. I know this is not the Crews Fault (I think raptor crew is the best, quite freindly) but I got mad at the fact that I was sitting their for 20 minutes with the exit in sight only 20 feet away. At least I was in the front and got to see everything. The only thing they did not was ask "Welcome back Raptor Riders, How was your flight?" they just apologized for the inconvenience. BOO! We then proceeded to Park Operations to "complain" about or wasted time.( More like a sorry excuse for line jumping passes)

The back seat of the raptor gives you the best ride period. I always go in the back at least twice during a visit than go in the front. The back right seat is the best. It the best during the spins because you always feel like you are about to fall out if it was not for the harness.

Joe E
Laugh at the people who sit in the middle.

Ok if you love Cedar Point so much and go there enough know this. The crew is not permited to allow anyone out of the ride when it goes down unless management or maintance says so! This is not something to be mad at the crew for because they did not say "Welcome back Raptor riders! How was your flight?"
Disaster Transport Crew 97-99
Raptor Crew 2000
How far out into Lake Erie does CP own? I mean, could they put a coaster out over the lake?
That would be a cool feeling of real openness. But too cool for the early and late months.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
I read my post and I could see were one might have mistaken my words (the but after friendly). I said that it was not the crews fault and I never blamed the crew. 20 minutes I know is not a lot and its usually longer before they start letting people off the ride, unless they know it is a big problem. Actually to my amazement, this was the first time in the 14 years I have been going to CP. that I was on a coaster that went down (luck)? so it was kind of fun at first. But Me being 6'5," raptor seats are not exactly the most confortable thing to sit in for 20 minutes if not riding. I just wanted to see the reaction of the people when they said "how was your flight." I would have yelled louder than normal. When we went to "complain" I wanted the "line jumping passes", I was not that upset. Oh. And sorry to the person who took our complaint. We did not mean to make your job tougher than it already is. "Line jumping passes" are gold.

Joe E
My only complaint is the roughness of the Mean Streak
BirdOfPrey00 said: "How far out into Lake Erie does CP own? I mean, could they put a coaster out over the lake?"

I wish I could remember the information my dad told me. See, while we were at the Point, he went around Sandusky site-seeing and whatnot. He took a boat, the Good Times I (I can remember the damn boat's name but not the info), out to a memorial for Commodore Perry, I believe. On the way, they talked about Lake Erie, Sandusky and all that. I remember him being amazed to find out that Lake Erie freezes for ___ ft/mi out.

Now, can somebody fill in the blank? 2 miles sticks out to me.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge. *** This post was edited by Lynch on 12/7/2000. ***
Pete's avatar
On the Corkscrew incident that Gemini Dream described, if the train is sent without the restraints locked a sensor picks that up and shuts down the ride. You can see it at the front of the station, on the left side when sitting in the train. It's a big proximity sensor that detects if the pedal that operates the restraint is in the wrong position. The prox sensor is a modernization of the original system which had a series of metal "fingers" that operated a mechanical switch if the pedal was in the wrong (unlocked) position. You don't have to worry about the operators locking the restraints, the ride will protect you from any operator error.

Also, the Blue Streak can't derail. Like any other coaster, it has road wheels, guide wheels and upstops to keep the train safely on the track at all times. Only a massive structural failure of the track would endanger the train, and the train would not make it back to the station if that were ever to happen. Can't tell you what the alarms were, but whatever it was, you were in no danger. The rides are designed to protect riders from malfunctions.
My Mom may have lied so she would not have to go on. This year I got her on the Magnum, Next year it will be MF. Then only Way I thought a train could derail is if it looses a wheel, or the under friction safety bar (upstop). This is the kind of thing that happened a couple times when some coasters got "stuck" (I hate that term) upside down. I dot know if you would consider that a derailment though. I found this one incident though were a train "derailed" to cornering at excessive speeds.

(Wednesday, August 5, 1998) - At Clementon Lake Amusement Park in Clementon, New Jersey, three people were injured while riding the Jack Rabbit roller coaster after their train derailed and crashed into the park's management office. Officials claim that the ride operator planned to allow the train to run more than one circuit, so he disengaged the automatic brakes and allowed the train to pass through three sets of brakes, but forgot to slow the train manually as it rounded an area of track near the office building. The train was going too fast for the turn, and derailed.

This is the oldest coaster in the country if you did not know. I could not find the cause of the derailment itself, but I assume either.

This thing was around before Johnny Miller and others came up with safety devices

The train had so much speed it rammed through the track on the tight turn.

It lost a wheel or friction bar (I assume this is a wooden coaster) due to stress caused by the turn.

Frankly, I cant see how a train would derail because almost all trains now are locked into the rails at 3 different points.

Joe E

Pete's avatar
A train can lose a wheel, that's a good point. If that happens though, the train won't make it back to the station because of the friction, and will more or less still be on the track because the rest of the wheels are still in place.

Closed topic.

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