*** This post was edited by Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie on 5/12/2001. ***
There are few pics in "Cedar Point: The Queen of American Watering Places," but that's not on the Net.
whats that big white on in the woods?
A day at Cedar Point, or something like that had some pics w/ the bath houses in the foreground and cyclone in the background! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm falling even more in love with you!" -LIFEHOUSE -Hanging by a moment -Yes Lord I'm "falling even more in love with you"
*** This post was edited by newt on 5/14/2001. ***
Do you mean Fun at the Old Cedar Point by any chance?
------------- There's a fungus among us
Queen of American Watering Places is sold at most gift shops on Point!! It has pics of Cyclone as well as pics are in the town hall museum in Frontier Town...