CP16 vs Excelerator

I have an opinion question for everyone. Since we all know the new ride will NOT have any other ride elements after the tophat, would you have preferred a rocket coaster like Xcelerator with only a 200ft tophat, 80mph launch, but with multiple overbanks and bunny hops OR do you prefer the current rocket coaster at Cedar Point with a huge tophat, faster launch and twistage without anything else after the brakes? Lets not turn this into a "complain about CP's new ride" thread either. Just give your opnion and why.

Edit: UGH! I can't believe I spelled Xcelerator wrong in the subject.
*** This post was edited by Will_1205 11/21/2002 9:41:03 PM ***

Who cares?
I would rather have #16, but I don't see why they couldn't add a couple more elements, don't get me wrong, this is going to be awesome, but I still don't know why they couldn't add some more elements. Far as Xcelerator vs #16, I would definitely choose #16 because it will be awesome, and it will also give CP the height and speed record again and will send a message that CP is still the most dominant and best park in the world.
hey we all make mistakes. but heres my opinion--400 ft and over 100mph is innovative, which is totally a cp thing, so sure what the hey ill ride, ill love it. we all will. were just greedy. yeah id love more of ride, but if it means sacrificing speed(my life) then forget it...
SeederPoint: Becuase its something to talk about other than all these webcam threads. We all know what it is and we need something to pass our time.
It's hard for me to really judge the two because I haven't ridden either of them yet, but I would favor the 400+ foot, 110+ mph L-TH-TW-B. The main reason is because a lot of the people who have ridden Xcelerator say that the only elements that really make the ride are the launch and the top hat. Many say that the overbanks are just an extension of the track that isn't really needed. So at CP, not only do we get a top hat TWICE the size and a launch 30 mph faster, but we also get a unique twist on the way down (probably 270 degrees), making the top hat even better.

L-TH-TW-B... "Meh"
Wicked twists: 11

Like i've been saying... this is going to be the most insane ride ever built. Just imagine being on top of Millennium Force, but 100+ feet higher, looking straight down at the ground and twisting.

Airtime at 400 feet is going to be crraazzzyy.

I have never been this excited about a new ride before, even for Millennium Force. I cannot wait to ride this monster.
Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335

Looking down at MF 100 feet below is whats going to be crazy! :)

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

Glancing at the blur is probably more like it. ;) And yes, I'd say that is a good thing.

I'd Rather Be Riding Roller Coasters

You guys are so right! It is just mind blowing to think about looking down on The Force from that heighth. The idea takes me back to blasting off on Vertigo, nosediving at the top and being a hundred feet above Maggie's first hill. Wow was that a great view! I sure do miss Vertigo.....

Bryan said:
Like i've been saying... this is going to be the most insane ride ever built.

THANK GOD.. someone besides me actually realizes this. This ride WILL dominate all other thrill rides. It might not be as good as MF, but it sure will give a much greater rush!

I'd definitely pick CP16 over Xcelerator. The only thing I don't like about CP16 is its overall structure. Xcelerator is still one of the oddest looking coasters EVER. Though you can't complain about a structure if its taking me 400 feet in the air at over 100 mph.. haha!


Panic Attack

I've read too many comments that Xcelerator's turns are kind of boring to be too disappointed that #16 isn't going to be a larger-sized clone. Personally, I'll take the increased speed and height, thank you.
Kel's avatar
I guess I stand alone.....I prefer Xcelerator!!!! But don't get me wrong, rocketing up 400 feet will be a blast!!!!

I may live in Ohio...But that doesn't mean I have to go for the Buckeyes. It's Michigans turn!!!! Go Blue!!!!

I have to Put my vote for CP16 because no matter what they make you know its just going to dominate over all the coasters before it so why would this one be bad. and 400 feet up in the air, that is insane. thats really all i have to say except to kel with this quote:

I may live in Ohio...But that doesn't mean I have to go for the Buckeyes. It's Michigans turn!!!! Go Blue!!!!
well, i have to say that michigan is an okay team, but ohio state is going to murder them tommorrow even though it has nothing to do with cedar point everyone should know this
you really dont need any over banked curves on #16. If you want over banked curves ride MF
Hello everyone! I've been reading for a few months and decided to finally register.

I've never been to the Point, but I have plans to take my wife there in a couple of years. Now that I've gotten the small background out of the way I'd like to cast my vote. I recently took a trip to Knott's, and I must say that Xcelerator is an AWESOME coaster!! My favorite coaster so far taking into consideration that I haven't been to CP yet. #16 does indeed look promising, although it would have been nice to have a bit longer to come off of the rush of diving 400 feet (give or take) straight down.

Xcelerator was a sweet ride, and I would agree with the previous statement of the Launch and Tophat being the highlight of the ride. Stating that, #16 is most likely going to be a more satisfying ride.

Count me in the camp that thinks Xcelerator is okay, but not great, after the top hat. The one exception is the second overbank; the headchopper effect there is pretty neat.
I'd prefer a multi-element rocket coaster that didn't break a height record over a L-TH-(TW)-B that's taller than any other ride. But that doesn't mean I'm not excited about CP's newest coaster.
Somebody tell me this:

Why are we comparing these two rides? One, very few people on this board have ridden. The other, nobody has ridden.

It seems a little premature.

How can u compare the two before anybody knows for sure what #16 really is. Obviously id rather ride x right now, # 16 would be to scary, i mean if they launched u know u would just fly off the track! The coaster isn't even a complete circut yet how can u compare them?

Wicked Twister is a great ride! Just because it looks simple soesn't mean it sucks! I wouldn't mind having it in my back yard!

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