CP Smoking

Okay... I just want to voice an opinion here. I see all over how people HATE when people smoke at CP, especially in line... and immediatly generalize that all smokers smoke in the queues. Well, I've got something to say about that one.

Am I a smoker? Yes. Do I smoke at Cedar Point? Yes. Do I smoke in the queue lines? Nope.

I can hold my own for that queue line. I respect CP's rules about the smoke-free areas, and I respect the non-smokers that are around me while waiting for a ride. Please don't make sweeping generalizations that EVERY smoker at that park is lighting up in line... we're not. But you bet your life that as soon as I'm off that exit ramp I've got one waiting for me. =)

Thank you. End Of Rant.
Kudos to you Gravity! I find it very irritating when I see (smell) people smoking in line, especially at MF. Even more gross, I smelt cigar smoke when I was waiting last week. Then after I rode MF, a man was smoking on the exit ramp! Couldn't he have waited two more seconds until he was off the ramp?

Thanks Gravity! You are to be commended.
I saw a few people smoke in the MF line but not a lot. The DJ repeated his spiel about smoking about every 15 minutes. One time he did this, I was looking at a guy who was smoking, and just kept inhaling.

Please, guys: Refrain from any smoking threads for a while, atleast until some new earth-shaking event occurs regarding smoking in the park. These posts tend to create some very heated flame wars and take up valuable space.
-Dave Kochman

Closed topic.

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