CP should make a Calander who agrees


I was bored and thought of this who agrees

"Stand-up right,Hold on tight and enjoy your ride on MANTIS"


Are you talking about like a picturesque or a collage of some sort of CP and its history...Of Course!


just CP pitures in gereral like a colladge(SP?) for each month then do a history or timeline something like that
"Stand-up right,Hold on tight and enjoy your ride on MANTIS"


Definitely! I saw a roller coaster calendar a few years ago, but that one didn't have anything from CP so I didn't buy it. But it wouldn't have to be just roller coasters, there are thousands of beautiful images that could be taken inside the park. They could even have one that feaured the old rides that no longer exist. Good Idea!


ShiveringTim's avatar
They actually sold one in the park a few years ago, 1996 I believe. Hmmm, I wonder where I stored that thing at. :)

Scott W. Short



Actually Scott that was in '97 because Mantis was on the cover. I still have one hanging on my wall and I change it every month. I had a sealed on eBay last month and it only went for $10 so everyone missed out on a steal. Actually I ended up trading the buyer for a Blue Streak annv. patch I needed.

Then again if you know who to talk to there is the 12 month poaster calander that the park puts out every year. I have years '86 through '00 on my walls, plus five midway flags, the list goes on.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
www.spiritofthepoint.com *** This post was edited by Dan on 4/17/2000. ***


Jeff's avatar
I seem to remember they even sold them on their Web site. I can't understand why they don't do one every year. Dan Feicht is nothing short of a God when it comes to ride photography, and they have thousands of images to choose from. I'd buy one for every room and one at the office!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"


Because of that calender hanging in my office, I've been called a junkie time and time again. Especially when I could tell the onlookers the year each photo was taken just by pointing out little givaways- for example, the September photo of the Iron Dragon was taken pre-'95 because the water tower was still green with the '80s logo on it. I need a life during the off-season I guess.

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer


LuvRaptor's avatar

When you cant find what you're looking for-
make one yourself
(they sell calender making kits in OfficeMax & store of that type)
or have one made-
Kinkos/some camera stores/various catalogs offer calender making-
I took all my CP pics-and found the perfect pic for every month of the year-
April was a pic of the midway during a downpour-October and November was Halloweekends pics obviousely and so on....
This catalog I ordered mine thru also allowed me a "saying" on the bottom of the calender-
mine says "Get to the Point"
So instead of waiting on CP to do it for me-
I did it myself!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

Michigan Man

I, too, have the 1997 calendar (no way that puppy's getting thrown out or sold), and wasn't sure if there had been others before, but know there have been no others since (I look every year towards the end of the season in all of the major souvenir stands). It's at work in a drawer. Time to hang it up again. Many of my staff think I'm already insane with my updating MF webcam pic on my Windows desktop and the little informational placard about MF hanging up on my wall. The calendar will simply confirm it!


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."

Nick G.

When I was at a book stores a few years back I saw a CP calander I was going to buy it but it was $20.00 but so is everything eles at CP. (expensive)

"Cedar Point Americas Rockin' Roller Coast"

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