I have been going to CP several times a season for the last 20 years. In those years, I have seen all types of behavior from guests and employees. Not much truly shocks me anymore, but sometimes something truly remarkable happens.
For example, I was 10 years old the first time I rode Magnum. My father and I were waiting for the front seat and were to board the next train. As the train rolled into the station, we noticed some commotion and laughing coming from the back of the station. As the train got closer, so did the noise coming from the station. I was just barely tall enough to ride and could not see what the fuss was about until the train was almost stopped. When they got close enough, I saw the first set of real non-movie breasts my eyes had ever seen on what I now realize to be a very attractive and very drunk woman. She was probably in her late twenties and was riding with another woman who was about the same age. As soon as the train came to a complete stop, a ride op rushed over and gave the woman a jacket to put on. My father and I boarded and rode. My father, who did nothing to shield me from seeing this and felt my mother's wrath for it I'm sure, was laughing pretty hysterically to himslef. When we got off the ride and went down the ramp to the photo booth, we saw the two women talking with security. My dad asked the girl working in the photo booth if she knew what happened to the woman's shirt. She did. It turns out that both women on the train thought it would be fun to flash the on-ride camera. The topless woman apparantly took her shirt all the way off instead of just lifting it. When she did this, she lost her grip and her shirt went flying to the ground below.
Nowadays, I wouldn't find this all that crazy, but at ten, it was probably the most shocking thing I had ever seen. Well that's my best moment. What are some of yours.
When you work there you see plenty of shocking things but nothing fit for print on this nice, family site.
"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."
-Walt Disney
Shocking to me is that two or three bucks for a pop. Holiday World its free. Shocking to you and your wallet.
Me trying to tip over the vertigo's tonbstone and me being blown over by stiff 3 mph wind before i can accomplish my mission
Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.
Mr. Smith,
You don't think that that free pop isn't ikncluded in your ticket price? I'd bet they make a killing of your "free pop"
I don't know, the parking attendants telling me that I needed to park close to the back of the overflow lot was a bit shocking last year (October 11, 2003).
2008 - Roving Team Leader (Michigan's Adventure)
2007 - Maverick (Cedar Point)
They really have soda (or "pop" as you northerners call it) included in your ticket?! Thats unbelievable. Is there a limit on how much soda you can have???
"pop"... give me a break! lol :)
"Baby I'm ready to go!" Dragster 2004
I hope it is coke, pepsi gives me heartburn.
Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.
I was pretty shocked when the accident (cable shavings) happened on Dragster. Being at the park made it much worse because we didn't understand the seriousness of it or how many people were injured or even dead. All we saw were ambulences, people shouting, and Dragster being shut down immediately. Walking around that midway after that incident brought some interesting stories from guests who apparently saw the accident. We heard anything from train derailment to saftey restraint failures. Very few people understood or knew what had really happened but just the scene at the ride after the incident was shocking as hell...
The most shocking thing? The clothes that some dad's let their daughters walk around in. As an adult male, I say "thank you". As a dad, I say "just what are you thinking?!"
Sigh...guess I'm getting old.
Mayor, Lighthouse Point
Watching my friend get patted down and searched by two police officers for weapons in the Mean Streak station was fairly interesting.
2005 visits: 10
2006 visits: 7
Magnum still rocks.
I was there with a couple friends, one of which had a shirt that said "Your little princess is my little whore" I noticed a lot of people reading his shirt and getting disgusted faces, especially because it was a Halloweekends Saturday. I even saw a little girl read it as her smile on her face slowly turned to a frown as she got done reading the phrase. CP Security tracked him down on CCMR towards the end of the day and had him turn it inside out.
Shocking moments...
I guess last weekend when I was next in line to ride TTD, front seat, and it broke down. Yeah, that was a shocker.
Top Five:
1)TTD 2)MF 3)Magnum 4)Raptor 5)WT
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