?CP Screen Savers?

Does anyone know any sites with CP screen savers? I've looked everywhere and have never found one.
What I did to have a CP screen saver is I downloaded the program Webshots, stuck all my favorite photos in there, and it runs a screen saver that rotates pictures of the Point.  As an example, I have all of the wallpapers that are on the official CP site, plus some other pictures too.  Just an idea.



Were do you get the progarm at?

-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island

Go to http://www.screensavershot.com

I've also done that, and I love my CP screensaver. It's a simple program, where you find the pictures in your computers directories, put them in the order you want them (I seperated mine by midways), and then you choose how you want them to be changed (Wipe to next picture, then use the 'blinds effect' to go to the next one, ect.), and then you hit create, and you're done.

Just one more way to enjoy CP... or to prove you're obsessed, which ever . :)

I'm not like them, But I can pretend. The sun is gone, But I have a ligt. The day is done, But I'm having fun. I think I'm dumb, Or maybe just happy. -Nirvana, Dumb

Thanks Intamin2k, my screen saver kicks***!

-Matthew Couts
RCT Recreations:
1.Cedar Point (vote best CP Recreation ever)
2.Kings Island

Webshots is at www.webshots.com - I've been using it for years, and it's a great site with very high quality photos (the daily photos are my faves), and you can upload your own photos to it, plus search through other personal albums. You can then save the photos by downloading them to your computer, and set them to use as wallpapers or screensavers. They even offer a set of coaster photos, but they're not too notable, in my opinion, but hopefully there will be more to come.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

I used this program call Image Carousel, http://www.imagecarousel.com during MF construction. I saved various MF photos and set them like a Powerpoint presentation. You can add your own backround music and write captions on the pictures
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
I'll have to download Beeman's suggestion... I'm thinking all Millennium Force pictures with the GTTP remix in the background....

http://coolforce.cjb.net The Most Important Internet Web Site.... EVER.
It was Nikki's B-Day and Millennium Force was broken down... Coincidence?

I used webshots and I think that it's awesome!  I put captions in the photos and turned on MF remix.  I just put it all together today because I read this!  Thanks!
If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I have a excellent one that floated around a few years ago..complete with music and tons of pics to go with it..email me and I'll get it out to ya when I'm at home in front of the cable modem....

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

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