CP Ride capacity

Does anyone know, or have an estimate of, the capacity of the roller coasters at CP (including Millennium Force)? I remember seeing it somewhere before, but now I cannot find it.
Overall capacity, or separate capacity?
I assume be separate capacity you mean "per-coaster" stats, so that's what I'm looking for. Also by capacity, I mean people-per-hour, not people-per-year (which is on the CP web site)
Well, tonight it's just too late for me to run around the web to post it, but if you go to the official site, I'm sure that it's there.

Check under: RidesThrill Rides(then which ever coaster you pick).

It should be under the ride specs.
It is on the official site, at the bottom of the page of each coaster's stats.
They took it off of Millennium Force page unless I am mistaken.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Jeff's avatar
They say that MF can do 1,500 per hour, but that's not true. By my estimation it's more like 1,300.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
How do you get to the ride stats page? I cannot find a link to it anywhere on the page.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Ok, thanks, I found the stats. I was thinking that they were all in one place, not spread around the ride pages.
Magnum is sinking, Go as follows: (they are all on the separate ride pages)

Cedar Point main pageThrill Rides(it flashes in the middle of the page)(then take you pick of all of the rides)(then scroll down the page to find the capacity.
I did that. It dosen't work on the Millennium Force page.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Yeah, they probably took if off because the supposed 1600pph wasn't happening.
At home someplace I have *audited* approximate capacity figures for the various rides. By "audited" I mean I stood there with a stopwatch and timed dispatch intervals.

Off the top of my head, though, I know I have measured...

Blue Streak: 1,440 pph (before computer)
Corkscrew: 1,440 pph
Disaster Transport: 1,200 pph
Magnum: 1,728 pph
Raptor: 1,600 pph
Iron Dragon: 1,600 pph
Gemini: 3,400 pph (6 trains, no seat belts)
Millennium Force: 1,336 pph

I'll see if I can find better measurements...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Wow! Iron Dragon is considerably lower than 2,000pph as it said on the web page.

Disaster Transport although can handle a couple hundred more riders. Does not run all trains (similar to Mine Ride).

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
CP's web site said:

Mean Streak-1600
Iron Dragon-2000
Blue Streak-1400

WOLVERINES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were quite close there, Dave.

WOLVERINES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine Ride and Disaster Transport aren't right because they can't or just plain don't run all of there trains (just as SS does not run the top half).

It may be possible to have a higher or lower daily ride capacity?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I'm sure CP is listing the theoretical hourly capacity of each ride. The numbers are probably the original estimates that were calculated when each ride was designed.
...Yes, and the numbers I posted are my faulty memory of the numbers I came up with when I actually clocked dispatch cycles. On Gemini, for instance, I have seen it run at 3,400 PPH (before they added seat belts) but between 3,000 and 3,300 seems to be 'normal'. I have been told that in 1979 they broke 4000 in actual riders per hour, but I find that hard to believe because I don't think the ride is short enough to allow for that, unless it was running completely brakeless at the time. Tonight I will try to find one of my old r.r-c trip reports that has capacity calculations in it...if you're impatient you can probably find the report in DejaNews. Look for a "TR: Cedar Point" written by either dalloff@gcfn.org or by dalloff@freenet.columbus.oh.us .

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I meant Dan

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