CP "Rare Entries" March '03 RESULTS

This is easily the most creative this group has been in five (I think) Rare Entries contests dating back to last off-season. I keep thinking that I've covered every angle in asking these questions (setting up parameters for what consitutes "in the park", "on the peninsula", etc) but you guys continue to do a great job in finding loopholes.

So, without further ado (we've had quite enough ado already, thank you) congratulations go out to ETrain, who finished first in this month's contest. Tied for second place were 99er and Lee. Nice to see some new names on top of the charts!

Here are the scores:

53 Etrain
55 99er
55 Lee
57 Raptorgrl
58 joey stewart
60 TTDragster
63 Ralph Wiggum
64 Stardoors
64 raptorforcexl200
67 Greg B
70 loriu
71 Pete
73 Joe E
73 DisastorTransport
76 Gerg
79 stateguybrian
88 Monster Ride Op
88 wahooskipper
93 Neil
93 Gemini
97 MF310
100 James K
101 Shroader
101 Shivering Tim
102 Alex
102 Red Garter Rob
102 CP_Bound
102 ScottishLou
104 Maverick
106 BIG D
106 LivoniaMI
107 Majin Heero
108 MikeVT
113 Rider
115 Luke035
115 Old Cper
118 MillRace
131 jcs290
133 Raptor Jo
138 MDOmnis
138 DJSauter
154 Top Thrill Dude
155 shawnsteckroth
184 ktcrazycpfan
189 Joe
203 Carnage

And the answers (with their total points)

1. Name a company that sponsors pop-up ads on Guide to the Point.

It should be noted that I spent the better part of 45 minutes doing nothing on GTTP but opening and closing windows and reading the pop-up ads. It is this session that I used to determine answer validity.

7 - Cheap Tickets
7 - Memory King
5 - Burst Media
5 - Travelocity
3 - Metacrawler
3 - Verisign
1 - Spiegel


Amazon - On the site, but not a pop-up
Casino on Net - This might be the only site on the web I HAVEN'T seen it.
Cedar Point Cabins
EXImpact Technologies
Fast Click
Get Paid for opinions
PopWorld Media - On the site, but not a pop-up

After this, I will never ask another question about pop-ups again.

2. Cedar Point closes at different times of day throughout the 2003 season. Name one of those times.

16 - 8:00
12 - 10:00
8 - midnight
7 - 11:00



Pretty straightforward question with limited correct answers. Tough to score well, but I like a mix of questions with few correct answers as well as those with many.

3. Excluding group sales, name a type of admission ticket that you can purchase at Cedar Point.

13 - Military
8 - Starlight
7 - Senior Ride & Slide
4 - Funday
3 - Ride & Slide
3 - Jr. Ride & Slide
3 - Senior Ticket
2 - Jr. Combo Season Pass


Jr. Soak City - not a "Cedar Point" ticket, by the stated rules
Midway Market - creative, but not an "admission" ticket.
Parking - see Midway Market
Soak City Starlight - not a "Cedar Point" ticket, by the stated rules

I found it very interesting that "military" scored so highly here. I wonder if it's because of current events, or if everyone thought it was little-known. I also found the frequency of "Senior Ride & Slide" amusing. I'm sure it's one of CP's least-frequently sold tickets. I get an ugly mental image of my grandmother heading down a speed slide. Ick! As to the Midway Market and Parking answers, I decided that they were incorrect based on the "no trick questions" standard. Sorry guys.

4. Name a place on the peninsula where a member of the general public has access to an ATM machine.

12 - Marina Store
7 - Hotel Breakers
6 - Red Garter
5 - Near the Magnum entrance
5 - Challenge Park Arcade
5 - Frontier Town near Shooting Gallery
4 - Near the Hat Rack/Pagoda Gift Shop
1 - At the main gate


Midway - too vague
Breakers Express - not "on the peninsula", by the stated rules

I find it interesting that when I say "on the peninsula", so many people start to automatically think "outside the park".

5. Name a ride that has been removed from Cedar Point since 1980.

8 - Mill Race
6 - Frontier Carousel
4 - Frontier Lift
4 - Sky Wheel (double ferris wheel)
3 - San Francisco Earthquake
2 - Sky Slide
2 - Bayern Kurve
2 - Jumbo Jet
2 - Rotor
2 - Schwabinchen
2 - Trabant
2 - Vertigo
1 - Tiki Twirl
1 - Shoot the Rapids
1 - Satellite Jets
1 - Dodgem
1 - Avalanche Run
1 - Upside-down Funhouse


Three Way Figure Eight Toboggan (1910)
Wildcat (1979)

This question was kind of like a trip down memory lane, wasn't it? The biggest surprise here? Not a single person answered "Pirate Ride".

6. Give the name of a coaster that once operated at Cedar Point that is no longer there.

8 - Three Way Figure Eight Toboggan
7 - Jumbo Jet
7 - Leap Frog Railway
6 - Wildcat
4 - Racer
3 - Leap the Dips
3 - Avalanche Run
3 - Cyclone
2 - Scamper
1 - Switchback Railway
1 - Wild Mouse
1 - High Frolics



I realize that on the last two questions, "Avalanche Run" is still technically at Cedar Point in the form of Disaster Transport. However, throughout its history, Cedar Point (and other parks) have rebuilt coasters, calling them something new and considering them a different coaster. The Figure Eight Toboggan became the Racer, Dip the Dips became Leap Frog Railway, etc. The most recent example that I can think of is Phantom's Revenge at Kennywood. Nobody would continue to consider this the Steel Phantom (nor the Thunderbolt the Pippin).

7. In the 20-year span between 1983 and 2002, give the name of a ride that has been featured on the front of Cedar Point's annual brochure (not the Getaway Guide).

7 - Demon Drop
5 - Gemini
5 - Millennium Force
3 - Corkscrew
3 - Power Tower
3 - Raptor
3 - Thunder Canyon
2 - Avalanche Run
2 - Mantis
2 - Mean Streak
1 - Space Spiral
1 - Witches Wheel


Iron Dragon - Tough call on this one. Did appear on the cover of a 1988 park guide, but not on the marketing brochure.
Snake River Falls

I used a pretty broad definition of "featured" for this question. For example, the 1991 brochure shows a shot of Magnum's lift hill, but has a small portion of the Witches' Wheel spinning in front of it. Since the picture is an impossible angle, I took the Witches Wheel to be part of the feature. Additionally, the Space Spiral is predominanty shown along with the Demon Drop on the 1984 brochure and again with Avalanche Run and the Giant Wheel in 1986.

8. Name a location on the peninsula where you can purchase pizza.

8 - Hofbrau
7 - Dominic's
6 - Employee Cafeteria
5 - Frontier Inn
5 - Macaroni's
4 - Stockate Refreshments
3 - Breakwater Cafe
2 - Breakers Coffee Shop
2 - Mama Chella's
1 - Midway Market
1 - Pizza Patio
1 - TGI Friday's


East of Chicago - not "on the peninsula", by the stated rules

I was being so careful up until here, but six of you got me on the Employee Cafeteria. Of course, I meant to phrase the question so that it read "general public", but neglected to. The bad news is that it was the third most popular response.

9. Give any location within the park where you can have a portrait or caricature done. Be specific.

11 - Caricatures (Gemini Midway)
9 - Portrait Sketches (Frontier Trail)
7 - Caricatures (Frontier Trail)
7 - Kaman Art (Frontier Town)
4 - Caricatures (Main Midway)
3 - Portrait Sketches (Main Midway)
3 - Amazing Pictures
3 - Old Time Photo

This one was tough to judge. Many folks gave locations only ("under the SkyRide"), and I tried to figure them out as best as I could. When in doubt (or when someone presented me with a 2003 "upcoming" location - Sorry my friend, I couldn't do it), I chose the most logical, nearest location to what they gave.

10. Name an avenue for legitimately purchasing discount tickets to Cedar Point.

12 - AAA
4 - Meijer
4 - Pepsi Can
4 - Tops
3 - Human Resources (for employees)
2 - Credit Unions
2 - Online (eBay)
2 - Getaway Guide coupons
2 - Group Sales
2 - March (or chaperone a marching band) at CP
2 - Military
2 - Off-site Sandusky Hotel
1 - Sales from charitable organizations
1 - Town/Rec department


Cedar Point Avenue (Did I not phrase the question well?)
No answer

I searched high and low to find discount tickets at Kroger and/or WalMart and couldn't. I'd be happy to print a revise score if someone can provide me with evidence. As to the charities and town/rec departments, I more or less took those on faith because I know that Dorney Park (another CF park) offers the same.

Each players full answer list and scores can be found at http://www.tdsffl.com/cprare031903.htm. Answers at the top sorted by player in alphabetical order. Scores at the bottom sorted by, well... score.

So, that's it. Quite possibly the last Rare Entries contest for the 2002-03 off-season. I'm running out of questions!

On the other hand, if you can think of a question or two for another contest, and enough other people do the same, I'll run one more in April to take us up to (almost) opening day.

Thanks once again for playing, and let the debates begin!

Gemini's avatar
This one was a lot of fun - and more difficult. Although, if WildCat is considered featured on this cover, I'd have 44 less points ;)

Virtual Midway

I spent 30 minutes (after logging out of my account so I could GET the popups) and found the Get Paid for Opinions pop up. Was this actually called something else??

Also, I do not see the 10 am - 8 pm hours listed in the answers. Am I correct that this was just a slight omission and (according to the listing) I got 16 points for that?

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

You're right Walt... I glanced over that and saw only Corkscrew. However, you answered "Iron Dragon" on that one. Give the 44 less points to Carnage, jcs, and RGRob.

Old CPer - The question actually asked for closing time, so I considered your "10-8" answer to be 8:00.

Gemini's avatar
You're right, I did answer Iron Dragon (I don't know why I was thinking I answered WildCat). But, Iron Dragon is right below WildCat on that cover :)

Virtual Midway

Ok, so I did much better on the last one than this one. That may be part of it, but I didn't really like this one as much as last one. It seemed like the questions were a lot more open to interpretation and such. For example, I had a Soak City ticket for number 3 because it asked for a ticket that can be purchased AT Cedar Point, and you can purchase those at the park. But nonetheless, thanks Duane for another great game, especially in these busy times!

Dragster "Top Thrills": 0
World's first strata-coaster!

D'oh! Walt, this is why (despite everyone else's preference) I like Common Entries so much better. Much easier to score. Stupid stupid stupid!

OK, so I'll take all questions under advisement for a day or two and re-calc the scores.

Kiddieland Roller Coaster (I didn't say simply Kiddieland - of course Kiddieland isn't a coaster! :)) - built 1957 and razed (doesn't say when).

Don't see how you get into Midway Market without buying admission. Heck, they even give you a "ticket" to put on your table that you're supposed to turn over when you're done. You don't go in and buy a slice of pizza, you buy the right to get in there and you can stay as long as you feel like stuffing your face. This is just like admission to the park - stay until you are tired, then go home! :)

2001 Magnum Crew
2003 Magnum Crew

It's weird. I haven't gotten any pop-up ads since the contest began. I wrongly assumed that Coasterbuzz would have the same pop-ups as GTTP. Dang.

everything's better with a banjo

I had the same problem! I couldn't find a popup. I must have refreshed this site 25 times.

102 Points- I never thought I would do that well.
It's like I'm married to Shaft!
-Homer Simpson

One lousy question hosed me. Did I really answer 9:00 for a closing time? I must have been on crack. Without that answer I would have been right there with everyone else.

Oh well, I am not doing any better with the NCAA pool so life goes on.

Thanks! Your right Matt about Midway Market, but I thought I would take a chance since that is the only place I ever had pizza at Cedar Point. However, you are purchasing the right to have pizza ;) (or whatever else you wish). I was totally shocked by the results, last rare entries I was second to last. :)
Eric Morrison (Coast)
Point Hype
*** This post was edited by Etrain 3/24/2003 1:20:20 PM ***
Pete's avatar

MDOmnis said:
Kiddieland Roller Coaster (I didn't say simply Kiddieland - of course Kiddieland isn't a coaster! :)) - built 1957 and razed (doesn't say when).

Matt is absolutly correct. Being an old fart, I remember RIDING the Kiddiland Roller Coaster. It was a very small, circular coaster that went maybe 15' high. The train had, I think, two cars and they were very boxy looking. The train was mostly red, and I think the supports were silver.

Florida may have Disneyworld and Key West,
but Ohio has Cedar Point and Put-In-Bay.
It's great to live in Ohio!

Give the 44 less points to Carnage, jcs, and RGRob.

That puts me in a tie for 5th.. I'm happy now.. ;)

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
Technical Services 2002-2003
Fright Zone Screamster 2002-2003

Duane, you da man. These contests are as much fun as watching the NCAA tournament and praying to keep your bracket alive. (Go KANSAS!) Except for the part every year I finish 10-20 in the bracket pools and every contest here I finish 10-20 :(

Wow, a new ride is being built.

I clicked through a pop up ad and it took me to Dogpile.

Oh well, Im happy about some of my guesses.

"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."

The only thing worse than people who make grammar mistakes are the people who have to point it out every ****ing time.

SHOOT! I thought the objective was to get the most points. Darn, 155, i was doing good too. Just kidding, i guess i should get more right next time (getting them wrong is what killed my score, but hey, at least i was creative) Also, dont you need a parking ticket for *admission* to Cedar Point? Oh well, i dont mind.
"...and enjoy the rest of your day here at Cedar Point, America's 'Roller Coast'"
*** This post was edited by Shawn Steckroth 3/24/2003 3:03:49 PM ***
106 BIG D

Heh, I'm amazed. I was sleepy, and taking asprin that day. I found the answer for the advertising in the About page of this site.

"We use third-party advertising companies, including Burst Media, to serve ads when you visit our Web site."

Anyway, I'm very happy with my score. This was the first time i entered these contests.

- Dennis
WTC plan Approved. A structure that will stand 1,776 feet in the NYC skyline. It will be the tallest tower in the WORLD!!!

99er's avatar
Im happy with my placement:) Good job Duane!

Screamsters 2001
Millennium Force/Screamsters 2002
Rip Cord/Screamsters 2003

It was stolen from me. The brochure question (the only one I guessed at) was the one I got wrong.

I fool so feelish...

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