Well as we all know that Cedar Fair is just starting on the hotel business. Even know Cedar Fair Just doesnt have as many parks as Six Flags, though this hotel business is really gaining money for our Cedar Fair Parks. It really is good Kinzel Has many great Ideas all the hotels the company has bought . We dont need to buy any more parks we just need plenty of hotels! then we can beef up all our Cedar Fair Parks...Get What I Mean? Hehe buy more in Sandusky and then we can have a gold mine lol Six Flags are just going to bury themselves, Mr. Kinzel thinks before Making the decisions lol
Sorry If This Was A bad topic just hadda let it out. :)
"Whats Life If You Never Get To The Point"
Yeah, I'm sure those overpriced hotels bring in plenty of revenue. It's amazing how much people will pay for that. Good thing they do too!!
Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613
If Cedar Fair wants to build a bunch of over-priced hotel I say pwer to 'em!! -Just so long as profit goes to building awesome coasters =)
Just starting in the hotel business? Breakers is a hundred years old!
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
If you want to get technical, the Cedar Fair partnership didn't happen to 1983!!!!
"Wont walk away!!!"
Sanctus Real
-Wont walk away
I hate history!
"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
And I think they are doing a great job! Despite all the old time charm, I did'nt care much for the pre-renevated breakers. I think Sancasltle was a hit as well as the new Breaker's wings. I can't wait to stay in one of those Cabins this year. I'm actually suprised how cheep they are.
All this generated income from hotels will give us alot of money think if Kinzel bought like 5 more Hotels in Sandusky Or bought like the couple near the causeway you have instant gold mines lol
This equals more coasters.
If you stop and think about the new cottages and cabins at Lighthouse Point and everything included, they are actually quite reasonable. Just made my reservation today.
Accommodations on the peninsula certainly benefit from the three “L”s of real-estate (location, location and location). Any well placed and reasonably well run hotel can be a cash cow. I’ve known of resort hotels that have literally paid for themselves over and over again, allowing someone to purchase, payoff the mortgage, profit, and sell to someone else who does it all over again.
- Raptor Dave
Yeah Thats what Im saying think If Cedar Fair Bought 75% percent of the hotels in Sandusky think of all the money they can get from them. To beef up are parks...:)
Hey I have pics of one of the cabins. They just came in on trucks, CP is not building them. Maybe you all knew that but I thought I would let you know.
Oh really thats cool Cedar Point will make a resort even better now! Cabins will look really neat by the lake how much are they?
"Whats life if you never get to the point?"