CP Postcards and Brochures

Here is a question for the hard core CP collectors. How do you store your postcards and brochures? I now have a few extra pennies (due to a mad fat promotion) and I want to build up my collection.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
Scrap books? That's what I do. Easy and inexpensive. But if you want to go crazy,then frame them.

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I haven't found a way yet that I really like. Right now I have a folder with plastic inserts. I put the brochure inside the plastic folds of each insert. But each folder only holds so many, and I have a lot of brochures. So for now, most are in a sturdy cardboard box.

I like to put postcards in those hard plastic protectors - the ones that are just a little bit bigger than the postcard itself. Kind of like what they use for baseball cards, etc. On a related note, does anyone know where I can get these on the net?

I frame them!!! p.s. I am really like that place!!! O my you should see my room!!! but I like to frame them!!!
I frame them too, with mats and everything. One wall has 2 maps (1983 - my oldest, next to 2000 - my newest) and all around it are postcards. I have modern ones that you can still pick up in the stores, and older collectible ones. The only bad thing is that I have had to cut some of them to fit them in the frames - that severely lowers the value of the card, but since I don't plan on A: selling them or B: taking them out of the frames, it works the best for me!

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I put things like the printed color tickets into a photo album. Brochures, maps, and things like that I put into plain manila office folders in a Steelcase filing cabinet. Otherwise, that stuff would rule my life even more than it does now. Besides, it keeps air & light away from my collection.

- Raptor Dave (not "Raptor Man Dave")
My Funguides, and brochures and anything that is "booklet-like" I keep in 3-hole punched sheet protectors. Other things that are single paged, I either put into a photo album, or laminate, leaving enough room on the edge for a 3-hole punch. That way, everything is organized nicely in my 6 Cedar Point binders (organized by decade - except MF, which has it's own binder!)

The only thing that I don't have in there is the media day 2000 issue of the Sandusky Register. I had to frame that one!

Pittsburgh, PA

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