Holy cow!!! After seeing that first drop completed, all I can think of is how CP needs one of these soon before every Six flags park gets one! This thing makes MF look so primative and obsolete!
I tried making a coaster with that kind of first drop on RCT once. It crashed and everyone died.
Duane Cahill
Perhaps I should have built the entire coaster.
Very funny, Duane. While it does look cool, CPCyclone, I am expecting it to be very intense...
If Cedar Point does get one of these, it won't be next year.
Why you ask? Well in order to install a ride like this, there must be reviews of the ride and responses to see how many people like it and how many people think it's too intense, etc...
For all we know, this may prove too intense and nauseating for many people, causing it to flop.
Since it will be barely finished before Cedar Point announces its 2002 additions, there won't be enough time to research this information, nor developing the placement of the ride.
So if we do see one of these ride at Cedar Point, I think we won't see it for another 2-4 years.
Plus it takes a year or so to get all the track and what not produced, the first piece of track for Millennium Force arrived in 1998 2 years before it was going to be open. Don't expect one for quite a while. I want that TA2K !
~Chip Force
What the heck are you guys talking about? What is an Arrow-4D? Tell me soon.
Agent Stinky
http://www.arrowdynamics.com/rides.php?rtype=4th%20Dimension I think it would be nice if we got one, but I'm not counting on it.
At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
And waltz right over to Coasterbuzz and type "X" in the search function. You'll see tons of info on it. Then check out the pics of the 88.5 degree drop.
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 6/29/2001. ***
OK Thanks
Agent Stinky