Where do you think CP will be in say 50 ,60, years?? What will the rides be like, which of todays rides will still be around??
That's almost impossible to answer. For example, 50 years ago, would you ever envision anything like Raptor or Mantis, or going as high as MF?
I'm sure in 50 years most of the current rides will be replaced.
I agree with net. That long from now, we may not recognize any of it, just as people from 60 years ago wouldn't really recognize Cedar Point today. Remember, there was a long period of time (30s - 60s) when there were very few new coasters built, and right now we're going through a "boom" of sorts. 50 years from now it could be 100x better, or it could be gone, there's no way to tell! But it will be fun to find out! *Grin*
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
http://www.crosswinds.net/~justmayntz/thrills/ Don't make me RECOUNT! Take the CP Coaster POLL!
If you narrow the time frame to about 20 years and just ask what you think will still be there, than you have a valid question that could be answered. And with that question in mind, I think that most of the coasters will still be standing. The only coasters that have a chance of being taken down are Disaster Transport, CCMR, Blue Streak, Corkscrew, Junior Gemini, and Gemini. All the others should still be there except mabey Mean Streak which might get replaced with a better woody.
Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
*** This post was edited by Monster Ride Op on 11/27/2000. ***
I can see DT and Junior leaving without much trouble, especially now that Junior is expendable.
CCMR, maybe. It takes up a bit of space, but it, like the Blue Streak and Corkscrew, have history behind them.
Gemini? No. It's still has the highest throughput in the park.
I think that it is more important to answer what will stay around rather than what will leave. History is a major part of CP and it's rides. I think that some rides no matter how "out dated" they get will always have a home at the point. Example->the blue streak and the corkscrew
I will agree with Monster Ride Op... All of the steel coasters, except for maybe Corkscrew, should still be standing, but, they will probably be showing great signs of aging by then, and will all have very short waiting lines due to more technological rides. Park guests may even consider the steel coasters of today very boring. The wood framed coasters however, will probably all be gone. Look at Blue Streak and CCMR, they are already almost fourty years old, and CCMR is already today showing great signs of aging. A wood coaster can be repaired only until it is unpractical from an economic standpoint.
(Note: I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, it's an honest question. Just thought I'd preface my question becuase lately I've been misunderstood too much.)
Do you really thing in 20-30 years, Iron Dragon will still be around? That's a steel coaster. And when you say, "All the wood framed coasters... will probably all be gone," is Gemini included in that? As someone mentioned before, it's still the most popular ride at the park.
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
A lot of CCMR's "aging" is theming. The wood is pitch-stained to look rustic.
Structurally, it's sound. It's also easy to replace wood.
I don't think anything will happen to the Blue Streak - of all the coasters at the park, that one has the most ties to the local community, and realistically the space it would free up could not be used for much else that we can picture right now, without some major tearing up of other things as well.
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
http://www.crosswinds.net/~justmayntz/thrills/ Don't make me RECOUNT! Take the CP Coaster POLL!
If you could have seen all the lumber last winter that was used as replacement wood for Mine Ride. I don't know how much of it had to do with all of the new braking and control systems, but it appeared they were replacing quite a bit.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
If you looked around in line, you'd notice that a lot of the 'aged' wood had a distinct new wood look. It hadn't even been stained yet. =)