Yesterday was probably the crapiest weather all season. I've never been to the Point when it rained. I got the fewest coaster rides ever (at least since I've been into coasters). And it was fairly crowded for a rainy day.
But for some reason, it was one of the best days I've ever had at Cedar Point.
Maybe it was because...The rides felt awesome. I rode mantis in the rain, and it was great because it was so hard to see. All the coasters seemed a little faster, too. Power Tower is also great in the rain. When you're free-falling, the rain drops look like snow falling.
or mabye it was because...I saw Stone Cold ride the Magnum.
or maybe it was because...I took my boyfriend on his first MF ride. During all coaster rides, I never hear him say a word. He just keeps his hands up and shows no emotion. But when we crested the hill he goes "OH MAN!!!"
or maybe it was because...this was the first time I have ever been to the Point twice in one summer.
Well, all of these factors made it a great day at CP. I didn't mean for this to sound like a Trip Report, but I just wanted to let people know (if they didn't already) that no matter what the weather is like, it's always a great day at Cedar Point.
Well said. *Grin*
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
I don't get how you could have a bad day at CP, other than maybe getting it messed up by TTR (lets not start that again).
Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-12
I disagree, on June 5th the weather absolutely stunk. This was the day of the Gemeni rollback. I don't think that many of the coaster were open the whole day. Anyways, I left before the park open because I wanted to save money. Well, I'm glad you had fun.
Oh, I had...
...I will call it interesting visit to the Point two seasons ago.
The weather was horrible so I got there in four hours instead of two. Ate dinner at the Mc. Donald's (a story within itself). Then went to the park and paid $12.00 for parking. A sign at the entrance said that all coaster closed due two the current weather. Mind you it was fifty degrease and hailing. I understood this would happen when we left. However, the other people in my party did not. We decided that we would still go as it was almost twilight. Well, the guy didn't want to give us twilight tickets (half hour early). Yet we still we hung in there for a half hour longer. Well, we went up to the same window a half hour later (only one open) and the guy refused to sell us a tweener ticket (this was back when they still had them). At this point we decided to leave. With are luck we would have probably crashed on the Mary-Go-Round.
We thought we would have better luck next weekend. WRONG...
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!