1.) Can I get a stamp for both MF and WT? Like one on each hand. Or if I wanted to rides on MF get a stamp on bith hands?
2.) With the Fastlane do they only stamp hands for the ride once a day. Or would it be like if you come at noon you get stamped for 2 o clock. 1 you would ride at 3 etc.......
3.) Where is the cheapest place to eat and also I heard about somewhere still having 1.00 bottled waters. Anyone know of this. Thank you
2) For both WT and MF, they start giving out stamps at 11:00am and start with the 1-2 time slot. They give out about 150(?) stamps per time slot for MF and about 100 for WT. Once they are done with all the stamps for one time slot, they move on to the next. MF runs out MUCH quicker than WT.
Wicked twists: 7
Danger: Hgih Voltage!
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