CP commercials.


Hey...this is kind of a wierd question, since nobody probably knows, but does any know if they are going to use the same commercials as last year?  Becuase i used to love them. The same one that is in my signature. And if they are going to ue them, o even knew ones, does any one know when they will start?

Cedar Point is the best. I will never stop loving it. You gotta, You wanna, You have to hold on...Cedar point hold on!! :) :) :)



I loved those commercials too!


Generally, they have a different slogan, or at least a different commercial style to promote the park every year. Last Year it was Hold On (many people on these boards were a little annoyed by this slogan), others have been: What's Life If You Never Get To The Point?--On Top of the World in Sandusky--Cedar Point's the cure for the Summertime Blues--Get to the Point.

There are many others, but those are the only ones I can think of right now.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 2/21/2002. ***



I live where Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky come together and I saw one commercial for Cedarpoint.  I also once got the chance to download to "Hold on" commercial and it was really cool.  Since I never really do see commercials for CP.  Instead I see Kings Island.  So all that I know is that they used the "Hold on" slogan last year.
If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.


Cedar Point: Come Here And Get Twisted,Summer 2002


I say bring back the kid on the sled!

- Andrew Hyde



lol ,I'm gonna miss those commercials because I used to LOVE them.  I mean eveytime they would come on I would run into the livingroom, and I would be glued to the screen. Hey, screammachineKid, where did you download it at?

Cedar Point is the best. I will never stop loving it. You gotta, You wanna, You have to hold on...Cedar point hold on!! :) :) :)



My 2 year loves the hold on commercial.  She screams when it comes on.  I ended up spending the next hour trying to calm her down.  She wants to see Snoopy and ride the horses.   The kid has a ton of bears with CP on the front.  When the new commercial runs I'm going to have trouble.

If I recall, we all kind of hated the hold on commercial.  I wasn't crazy about it.  It did grow on me.

  I hope they don't play the Chubby Checkers twist song or something lame like that.


Get with it or die in the process.....



Have they always used "hold on?"

I think that's execellent and they shouldn't change those commercials

Drink Milk. Goto Cedar point. Love Life.
MF count: 24. I'm marrying Millennium Force. You're all invited to our wedding.



No, they haven't always used "Hold on!"


Re-read my first post in this thread...

MF count: 23



I loved the "Get to the point" commercials in the 80's/early 90's.  It has got to be my favorite commercial.  Maybe they should do a flashback themed commercial this year.... 
- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

SFX Manager

I recevied my 2002 Buckeye North Guide and the 2002 Ad that was in their and also in a magazine that I recevied Had CEDAR POINT FEEL THE FUN .... So that Answer's the Question about the Slogan for this year


Hmmm, I figured it would be Get Wicked at Cedar Point, or something like that. They should have more to show in the commercials with at least 3 new things in the park this year...WT, Snoopy Rocks on Ice, and a new restaurant.

MF count: 23



Cedar Point: Often Imitated,Never Duplicated You Wanna,You Gotta,You Hafta Hold On Cedar Point Hold On.


"Exscuse Me What Amuesment Park Is This?"



My 8 year old brother loved the commercial from this past season so much that he practically begged me to sing it too him.


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02
"Oh my God..WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"


Michael Darling

The summertime blues was the best commercial!


I remember a commercial that seemed to air toward the end of the season in the early to mid 80's that showed the park in the suumertime and then flipped to the wintertime.  It showed the Gemini, with the cars accross from the Gemini games.  it was depressing (because it meant that school was starting soon) commercial, but it was kind of neat to see the park up-close and personal with the snow flying around.  It said something about getting to Cedar Point before the cold wind howls through the Corkscrew etc.  I wonder if anyone would happen to have this on tape?



...I will be more than happy to give you a cigarette...



I just got the new buckeye north mag and in the cedar point ad the new motto is
Feel The Fun
Marion, Oh
2002 Season Magnum Crew


The coolest slogan they've ever had was "On top of the world in Sandusky, OH." 

It works on so many levels...:)


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