Cover Cedar Point?

Does anybody think it would be cool if Cedar Point put like a big dome over the entire park? It could be open all-year round and could be air-conditioned for the hot summer days. They could expand the dome if they expanded the park or made a ride higher then the dome. It would also mean more ride time with being able to ride in the rain...So what do you think? *** This post was edited by cedarpointchic on 2/1/2001. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I like the views of the lake from up high on the Force or the feel of the winds whipping you as you cruise down the back stretch pretzel of Maggy!! I personally NEED to be outside to expereince thrill rides and coasters...Just my personal preference but a interesting idea never the less. Wouldn't be much of a view sitting atop Power Tower now would it?? :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Yeah I wouldn't really like the idea at all. It would almost make me feel like it's one of those indoor fairs or something. Plus the major aspects - the views from PT, MF, and pretty much every other coaster would be in jeopardy, and as Jeffrey Spartan described, "the feel of the winds whipping you as you cruise down the back stretch pretzel of Maggy". That kind of a project would be really costly, wouldn't it? How much $$ would you guys estimate?

Oh and also, what would be the point of waterfront development then?

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
If you can go as far as a dome, why not a retractable one? Then on nice days you could open it and on bad ones close it. I must say I would miss riding during a light rain. It's an experience. I would ride in the winter if given the opportunity.

A dome....Interesting thought.
Gemini's avatar
Now I admit that I've never built a dome, but I think the feasibility of this project is somewhere close to zero. Besides, it would destroy the atmosphere (even retracted) and still wouldn't solve the inevitable winter staffing problem.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 2/1/2001. ***
NO. That would be dumb cause even though we'd ride all year long it wouldn't have the same feel and we would not have all of this biult up anticipation from the off season to make the first ride of the year that much greater!

I am the king of the diamond! Let there a grand clubhouse feast, bring me the finest meats and cheeses in all the land!
Okay but I have to dissagree. First off who said it had to be a solide dome. It could be clear plastic or whatever. With that you would eliminate the whole view problem. Second. I don't ride rollercoasters for wind to blow in my face, I can roll down the window of the car. But if thats what you want, I am sure anything traveling at 93mph will produce some wind aginst your face.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
I agree with everybody, it would ruin the feel of CP. Plus, who doesn't love the 10:00P.M. thunder storm that CP gets everyday.

If you were to build a dome over CP, the base would have to be sitting on water. To get the dome over 300' high you would definately have to go further out then the beach.
Okay, forget the summer for a second, if you had the opportunity to go to cp in the winter wouldn't you? Kids are in school and think how much more your seasons pass is worth! Shorter lines with no worry of any coasters being closed down due to wind or rain. And like Magnum2G3 said If the view is what you want then make it clear. But it does get awfully hot on some of those summer days wouldn't you like it they could air-condition CP?
OK -- call me crazy...

Instead of building a GIANT dome over the existing Cedar Point,

Why don't we build a teeny-weeny Cedar Point underneath an existing dome???
Now you're thinking, Duane.

In terms of the views argument, a clear dome would not do the trick. It's not always the views, but instead, the environment or atmosphere. Everything combined together creates the unique environment that CP brings - the Lake Erie gusts of wind, the crisp midwest air (well, not exactly on hot summer days), the sounds of coasters, laughs, and screams, the smell of boardwalk fries, and of course the vibrant view of Lake Erie. If you take one away, it throws off the whole thing.

Forgetting the summer, of course it would be awesome to go to CP in the winter. Of course, once summer rolled around, what would you do about that massive structure of a dome? Plus, it would be tough to staff the winter, since many of the employees go to school.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9

Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
Of all the things that gets me the most pumped up on the drive to Cedar Point is when you get the 1st glimpse of the coasters just sitting there. Now I don't know about you but an ugly dome covering that view up would make sick.

Proud to be a Cedar Point Fanatic.
I'm not even sure if it is technically feasible to build a dome that huge without having supports within it, but even if you could, and if you built a clear one so that the view was still intact, who'd want to keep it clean? Yikes. An interesting idea, true, but oh well!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
NEW! A seasonal calendar feature and a NEW POLL!
Ok, 2 words...i think...semipermeable something that will allow wind (and the scent) to pass thru, but keep rain out. :) Also, design a motorized squeegee(sp??) that will clean the windows...
Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
I'd get claustrophobic in such a confined space as a dome and if I was claustrophobic, chances are I'd also get cleithrophobic, which is the fear of being locked into said confined space. Therefore, next I'd be so afraid, I'd add on counterphobia, which is the fear of fearful situations and from so much fear I'd have to use the bathroom which would key in my coprastasophobia which is the fear of constipation and tack on coprophobia which is the fear of feces. Then from all the fearful screaming, people would come to see what's up and start lauging at me which would trigger my catagelophobia, or fear of being ridiculed and I'd drift into a psychotic not-world inside my warped hollow of a brain. So, no, I don't think the dome would be such a good idea for me, personally.

Besides, all this talk of this dome is wiring up my cenophobia, which is the fear of new ideas. Stop it...

Question: How do you explain the actions of millions of people who wait hours upon hours to be dropped down a hill???

Answer: I don't know, I'm fearfully pooping in a dome...
Hmm... it's an interesting question.

How to maintain a view and summer atmosphere, while keep inclement elements out?

Besides, that would be an absolutely gigantic dome.

I'm missing the letter "C" volume of my Encyclopedia of Phobias. You haven't seen it, have you?
Gemini Hand Smacker how do you get to Cedar Point. I know you can't be riding in a car, I hope you have never gotten on an elevator, with all you phobias

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
Why are we even talking about this? This is one boring offseason!!!!!!!!!!! I hope CP adds a killer coaster in 2002 so we have something to talk about.
Jeff's avatar
Exactly what I was thinking... I really can't believe the thread has gone on this long.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50

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