Could this be the last year of "Halloweekends?"

Looking around to the other CF parks Ive noticed that every other park (including the Paramounts and old CF parks) have adopted the name "Halloween Haunt" for their Halloween event (replacing Fearfest/Scareowinds (but they still have that one in the name)/Halloweekends. My question is why would they go and re brand all their Halloween events under the Knott's name and not CP?

My only logical guess is that its because the marketing machine (ie in park displays, website, etc) for this year had already started for Halloweekends since CP's starts a full week before anyone else. What do you guys think? Ive personally always liked the name Halloweekends (not to mention Fearfest) and find the Haunt name less imaginative, but I do like the new logo.

I highly doubt that they will change the name of Cedar Point's halloween event. To me, "Halloween Haunt" and "Halloweekends" is a lot more clear as to what type of event it really is compared to "Scarowinds" or "Fearfest". CF likes to keep CP pretty original, so I don't think we will be seeing "Halloween Haunt".

Thrills Around the Corner!

^Top Thrill I would agree with you if they only changed the name of the Paramount Park's Halloween event. However, Valleyfair!, and WOF have changed the names of their events this year, leaving CP and DP as the only CF parks having "Halloweekends" this year, which also happen to be the only two parks that have their events start next week.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

I don't see the name changing, but that's just personal preference. I think the name recognition is pretty strongly established in CP's market area. Excluding the Paramount parks, the other parks may not have had much name recognition with their events, therefore changing it would be no problem. But what do I know.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

"Halloweekends" is a registered name. I doubt it'll go anywhere any time soon.

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

Vince982's avatar

I much prefered Fear Fest to Halloween Haunt, but that's just me. They can call it what they want, as long as they keep up the great work as they have been showing us for the past decade.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Pete's avatar

Does it really make a difference? There will be a Halloween event, no matter what it's called.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Gomez's avatar

I agree with Pete, but the local market has really grasped the name "Halloweekends".

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Jeff's avatar

It would make sense to me to keep "Halloweekends" a brand specific to Cedar Point, much the way they have "Knott's Scary Farm" and "Scarowinds" or whatever. Granted, I doubt there's much overlap or potential for confusion around the chain, but it's a good change from putting a "Dominator" or "Power Tower" in every other park.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Yeah Touchdown Dorney Park doesn't start Halloweekends till Sept 22. Trust I have to wait the next two weeks till it reopens because the park is closed for "Private events" the 8 and 9 and 15 & 16. I have to make do going to Great Adventure till then. *** Edited 9/8/2007 3:47:29 AM UTC by 9 hour ride to RIDE!!***

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