Cosi report

Today at Cosi Cedar Point was there. I found out many things
1. Mantis entrance relocated to area by exit.
2. Maybe a new Aunt Em. Could be by were old Mantis entrance was.
3. MF might go for a run this week.
4.Height to ride- probably 54 inches.
5. Maybe a update for Diaster Transport.
6. On MF there will be seat belts.
7. Hot shots- the pictures will be taken on the first drop or on the island turnaround.
8. On May 13 the public will not get to ride to about 10:30 because of the offical opening ceremony. *** This post was edited by Andrew on 3/25/2000. ***
I was at the 1pm show. Actually, I sat right in front of Dave Althoff, but didn't know it was him at the time. Hey Dave, you have a video of me in that crooked room!
I thought the presentation was pretty good, but it was way too hot in there.

The only thing going over where the the old entrance to Mantis is a new location/storage area for the new wagons in the area of the MF. If they mentioned anything about some sort of food stand they might just be referring to the spot where they put they put the grills for the burger cart this year (wagon).
I saw Bryan and Dave. I was the person who wlaked in late for the 1:00. I also went to the 3:00 one.
It was also revealed at the Cosi meeting what Cedar Point's future plans are for down the road.
Or at least that there will be new additions down the road :) *** This post was edited by RPerz on 3/25/2000. ***

How would the on-ride photo work on the first hill? Would it be possible to put it there cause if so that would be very cool!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Hey Guys, I was there at the 1pm show too! I loved the question about how much paint was used on MF!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I was the one in the MF shirt in the corner by the 'garage door' and the one who asked the question about the name. Andrew, I DEFINITELY saw you, as did everyone else in the room, and Dave, I THINK I saw you too. What were you wearing? Bryan, maybe, but not sure. It was a pretty cool presentation, except for the rude guy from GOCC who laughed at every single person's questions. Great job Robin, just in case you are out there! I also got my copy of the 2000 brochure. Pretty nifty. Oh, and Ryan, the ENTIRE building was hot the ENTIRE day, if you ask me!!!!!

Jeff Walker
The ARC Homepage
ARC Web Designs
I was the guy in the white "Thunderbolt" shirt carrying the itty bitty brown leather camera case and a palmtop computer in my back pocket except when I sat down.

Did anyone else try the McFadden simulator, over in the Whiz Bang area? Of those of you who tried it, did you also think that it *sucked*?

I guess I revealed just how few people I really know. I ran into Pete and Ron and Jerry whose last name I can never remember (who has Raptor Green/Mantis Yellow hair today and more Magnum rides than Dan, actually)
Apart from that, I know you CP Place folks were there, but you really should have introduced yourselves! Perhaps someone should have announced, "Hey, anybody from CP Place stick around for a minute after the show..."

--Dave Althoff, Jr. *** This post was edited by RideMan on 3/27/2000. ***
so what about the name??? what did they say?

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
What are the future plans?
It wasn't so much as "what are the future plans?", as "Are there future plans?"
And with a smug grin on his face, the CP representative said, " question please..."
I don't know if this has been answer but was brought up about 3 weeks ago, are we going to be able to ride MF at night, if no one knows and someone is going to COSI as a cedar point offical.

The guy said you will be able to ride at night. also the guy said that there will be very little lighting.
Pete's avatar
Also, Aunt Em's will still be in the same building, but the inside will be changed. It will be split into two different eateries and the indoor seating will be removed.
Thanks Andrew!

Is this rollercoaster thing at COSI happening at both the Toledo and Columbus location or just the Toledo location. I know this much in that it goes till May 7.

Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
Just in Toledo :( --Dave Althoff, Jr.

Thank you Dave. Actually, I may go. My parents still live in Toledo. I may even try and go this weekend because I'm going home to take care of some business. Are the shows at set times or is it a walkthrough type of event? And two, are you going to Coastermania this year. Sounds like you might be an ACE member, if I read you correctly.
Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
It's a self-guided display. There is a rotating barrel set up just inside the front door, then once past the counter you find the Black Plague on the left and an area equipped with Hot Wheels-style experimentation track sections on the other. Just beyond the Black Plague is a display showing a few mechanical parts (see if you can spot the error!) and a ramp demonstrating how a bowling ball on wheels will roll down an incline faster than a bowling ball will. Across from that is a demonstration area with set show times on a revolving platform. Beyond that is a little theatre with a video screen and a rudimentary motion base. Then downstairs is the G-Force demonstration, the vertical-looping bicycle. Other than that it is all permanent exhibit stuff. There is more coaster-related stuff in the Whiz Bang Engineering section, along with a McFadden simulator. You can tell which segments are part of the travelling exhibit because everything is subtitled in French, due to its Canadian origin.

BTW: Yes, I am planning to attend CoasterMania.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
*** This post was edited by RideMan on 3/29/2000. ***

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