corkscrew restrains

hey guys i just went cc yesterday
why don't they have automatic restraints
cuz i saw them pushing the handels on the trains
I think it's beceause it's an older ride.but im not sure
thats what i thought but blue streaks older and it is automatic *** This post was edited by crashoverride on 6/18/2001. ***
I was wondering why the Corkscrew doesnt have any seatbelts on he harness like Raptor and Mantis do.That kinda frightens me...NO Seatbelts and the harness comes loose....UH OH..........LOL:)

Cedar Point.....HOLD ON!!
But Corkscrew's harnesses are heavier than Raptor's or Mantis's -- they stay down more naturally, rather than automatically lifting. As for the pedals, that's how the Corkscrew has always been, no big deal.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
You would probably stay in without the restraints anyway (except for the airtime hill!)


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
Yeah, most of the time centripital force would keep you in your seat. The Scorpion at Busch Gardens is a good example of this. It only has a lap bar yet goes through a loop
I would like Corkscrew's airtime hill much better if my pelvis didn't whamm into the harness.
It’s centrifugal force and centripetal acceleration, is it not? :)


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
Yes, centrifugal force.
Corkscrew is old.... even on this web page it questions how long the ride has left.
but still why don't they get automatic restraints
Maybe it's not worth the price for a not-so-popular ride!


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
To get automatic restraints, they would most likely have to redo the cars themselves. Basically this method works so why spend the money and change it?

I really should be working...
Then why do almost ALL looping coasters have OHR rather than a lap bar if centrifugal force keeps you in

I have never rode a Swarpcpcoth (I can't spell)looping coaster before, but some of them still have just the lap bar, know thats awesome, Revoultion at SFMM would be alot better if they got rid of those stupid OHR, if you watch ROLLERCOASTER the movie you see that it did just have a lap bar, who even invented OHR, what a stupid person!

But I understand the inportance of OHR on inverted and stand-ups, but not on traditional sit-downs!
They do because people get scared and stuff I guess! Unless there was a serious train problem or it got stuck on the top of a loop, centrifugal force would always hold you in. Actually, you probably would be okay with the lap bar if it did get stuck upside-down (if the lapbar was low enough!)


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
See Flight of Fear.

One of the reasons there are OTSR's on looping coasters is insurance.

"Hey, must be the mullet!"

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