coolest roller coaster lights at night

So when I make my CP trip in a couple days, for the first time ever I'm gonna be able to stay until closing time, which is totally cool because now I can ride a roller coaster with all the groovy lights on. But I'm only gonna have a couple hours to ride before the park closes, so I gotta choose my coasters wisely. Which coasters do you guys recommend? Does the Magnum still have the groovy shoot-the-light-up-to-the-top-of-the-hill effect it had back in 1990 or whenever it was when it first opened?

I asked the same thing earlier in a different thread and no one seemed to have an answer. Magnum used to (still does?) have awesome strobe-like lighting effects that would zip up and down the first hill. Best way to describe it is lightning bolts shooting back and forth along the railing on the lift hill. I'd give Magnum a ride at night if you can, even if the lighting is gone, Mr.Snrub. There is nothing like flying by Lake Erie in almost complete know it's there but you can't see it, just like Magnum's supports when it's especially dark. Millennium Force has a great light show at night, though the effect is lost when actually on the coaster. Iron Dragon and Mine Ride are also great at night since you can't see where you're going, adding to the rides which are otherwise pretty tame. Now, Disaster Transport at night...that is pure coaster heaven jk. *** Edited 8/5/2007 8:16:33 PM UTC by JetstarIII***

'Some turns banked as heavily as 70 degrees' -Jumbo Jet '72

A couple times ago while at the point on the last ride of the night for MF my buddy and I got the front seat. There is a point in the cycle where the lights go out on the supports and they just happends to do this while we were going over the top and made for a cool effect.

Here is my list for best rides at night.
1. Millie (as evidenced by my signature)
2. Magnum
3. Maverick
4. Raptor
5. Corkscrew (the lights on the corkscrew supports are sweet)

I know you won't get to ride all of these but try to get as many as possible. Riding at night is probably one of my favorite things to do, and the thing I most look forward to when visiting a park.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Maverick and Power Tower are my musts. Mavericks is almost dark everywhere and its the only time you cant see in the tunnel. Power Tower its fun to see all the lights from the top.

Let's Get Weird.

I enjoy Blue Streak, Mean Streak, Dragster, Magnum, and Gemini all at night.

I like the idea of doing PT at night, althought I have never been on it at night before. The Giant Wheel is a cool ride at sunset. I would try to get in line for Magnum right before the park closes (or about 15 mintues before closing if it is walk on so that you can get multiple rides in) and get a good dark night ride. I was on the second to last ride of the night on Magnum at the end of May and it was really fun. They still have the rope lights going up the hill. I am not sure if they go up and down, but I know they still "race" up the hill. I would also like to ride TTD, Maverick, and MF at night in the future. I also rode Raptor at night on our most recent trip and personally I don't think it is a "must ride" at night. Make sure to look at MF's hill after it gets dark. They have some amazing lighting effects on it.
*** Edited 8/6/2007 2:14:47 AM UTC by cdrptrks***

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Riding rides the size of skyscrapers while "legally" breaking the local speed limit: Priceless

Dvo's avatar

I like the following at night:

Power Tower

I haven't done Maverick at night yet. Hopefully next trip!

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

DJTheC's avatar

I can't recall if Mantis does that Yellow/Red Chase on the lift.

00-03 - KP
04-Life - Just giving advice

Indy's back and just in time.

Slightly off subject, but I have not seen the lights that outline Blue Streak's station on this year. The lights are still there, just not on.

To me, Mean Streak is the most beautiful coaster in the country when it is lit up at night.

Too bad the ride doesn't match the beauty.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

JW Addington's avatar

The strobe light that you are referring to on magnums lift hill is no longer there. It is now just you basic chaser lights. I'm not %100 sure on this, but if i remember correctly, didn't they have to get rid of the strobe because of air traffic? Thats what i was told anyways, who knows for sure?

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

JW Addington's avatar

Maverick is awesome at night! So is MF, Magnum etc. Mantis can be cool if you catch the fireworks in time.

Not that i would trade Maverick, but i still miss WWL at night.

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835

How is Thunder Canyon at night?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

DJTheC said:
I can't recall if Mantis does that Yellow/Red Chase on the lift.

Yes it still does this. When they reach the very top all of them light up and then it starts over again.

Let's Get Weird.

MF is real colorful at night, its a great night ride. So is Dragster and Maverick. The tunnel on Mav at night is really cool when you launch.

Ill give MF the upper hand for its diverse lightning effects... Everything from a Pulsing Rainbow to a strobe light, it is defiantly interesting to watch. I also enjoy Blue Streaks chaser lights that follow the first half of track. I always leave the park from the Soak City parking lot, so those lights along the whole track while driving next to them are Mesmerizing.

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor

Millennium has the sweetest lights ever........

The best coaster to ride at night is Magnum, but that's because of the lack of light. Last time I was there, I caught the last ride of the night in the front seat. Good times, good times. :)

But IMO as far as actual light displays, TTD's is the best. Millennium's is nice too, but you can't see it as well.

It's called Millennium Force, not "Millenium" Force. Thanks.

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - that's why Halloweekends are awesome. Hit 13 straight night rides on Magnum with a nearly empty train (at one point we were the only two on it) and eventually the trims get shut off.

The fact that it gets dark by 6 or 7 doesn't hurt either.

Goodbye MrScott


Magnum at night is probably the best. You may be lucky enough to get it without trims, it's totally dark and sometimes the tunnels have more effect in them than during the day. TTD gives you a cool view of the park all lit up. Actually if the wait isn't long, catch a ride on Skyhawk. I dont' know about anybody else, but I find it more scary at night, as you go up, you see nothing but the black sky.

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