Control panel?!?

How does the control panel of the MF look?


Semisionc - closing time

Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end
For starters it looks like any other coaster panel with different colored lights and buttons. But MF has a what looks like six inch wide black and white LCD screen

Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Like many newer coasters.. hehehehe

with the exception of Mine Ride, Mantis, Raptor, Mean Streak (you seeing a pattern here Brian?? heheh)...

And it's not black and white.. it's more orange and black than anything.. hehehe

- Big Pimp -
MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 107 laps as of (7/26/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
It has many buttons which most of the time don't get pressed. A little screen on the operators right side on the board. All the operators do is press two buttons to dispatch the train. Basically buttons, buttons, and more buttons.

Jamin knows!

2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 130
Gemini 100: 100
There was a picture on the Discovery show.

If you would like email me and I will send you a picture that I took at the controls this season. It's a nice computer console with a liquid crystal display...

-Milly Crew '01
-Bluestreak Crew '00
Hmm...GameBoy screen or PanelView? :) Just think, if they had picked Consign, they could have probably had the darn MF promo on the controls if they'd wanted, for crissakes! That's all I need, walk in the station and hear "At the turn of the millennium...."..I can see someone doing it as a cruel joke....

It'd be cool to see something new and awesome come to the world of control systems. It's all looked relatively the same for a long time now...
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Its and Allen Bradley PanelView. Its the same LCD touch screen used in Imax Simulators and Ridefilm Control Panels.

Adventuredome Ride Op 2000 - present
Future CP Ride op?
I was going off an asumption since I haven't been stuck right in front of a coaster control panel for forty minutes like I was on MF

Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Screw the LCD Control panel and those magnetic brakes. Give me skids and hand levers :).

2001 Force Laps-107
2001 Magnum Laps-222
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
Does somebody has a picture of this control panel, ik like to compare it with one of vekoma and one of B&M. They say there´s a lot of difference.


Semisionc - closing time

Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end

ShiveringTim's avatar
It's also the same LCD touch screen and other A-B components used in almost every automated industrial system built in the last 10 years or so.  Remember folks, roller coasters are just industrial technology applied a little differently.  PLCs, motors (incl. linear induction), switches, buttons, readouts, etc. are all alive in well in the modern factory. 

It's times like this I miss my systems integration days :)

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Ya there's the fast food place in one of our malls called the Chippery. It has the same type of buttons and switches used on rides on its machines.

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