Construction Logs

Uh, is it just me or is Mr. Monty Jasper (guy in the MF construction log) slacking off on his entries? Well either it's him or the webmasters. It's gonna go on a whole month since his last entry.
I totally agree- I check every day (too much time on my hands) and there have been no new entries since Jan. 19th. I am sure there is a lot to talk about!!
Here's an idea: Forget about the webcam and the construction log AND the construction pictures. Just put it out of your mind for a couple of weeks, AND THEN, one day you'll go back to the site and TADAH, it's updated. Very exciting.:)
Are you forgetting they are building a $25 million dollar ride, withs trick time tables and money in the dead of winter! He could be busy you know...;)

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
93 days until the real "Millennium
I'm sure his is busy-but why have all these gimmicks ie webcam, diary, etc. if they are not going to be updated at least weekly-It is only my opinion!
hey, look at it this way, at least it's better than that webcam they have over at the PKI website!
Jeff's avatar
Cedar Point has gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to documenting the construction of this ride. They could have just kept our collective asses in the dark and not be any worse off for it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
I agree w/ Jeff. CP didn't half to do half the things they have done in the way of letting us be able to see MF's construction. Beggers Can't Be Choosers!!
Whatever. I honestly wouldn't even care if they didn't have pictures, logs, articles, or anything else. I wouldn't care if they didn't tell me anything til May. The point is, if you're going to offer stuff like construction logs and webcams, that should be updated regularly, then update them. Otherwise, take them down. If he didn't want to bother with the hassles of keeping an online log or is just plain too busy, then he shouldn't have done it. If you're gonna do something, do it right. If someone offered to deliver a free newspaper to your house, and everyday you got it, it was the same news, you'd just rather them keep the stupid thing then have them "be so gracious as to offer continued service of their free newspaper!"
Did you ever think that they are busy. Let's see probably the first thing that's on Monty Jasper's agenda is to COMPLETE A 310 FOOT TALL ROLLER COASTER CALLED MILLENNIUM FORCE. Then after the work that he does in a day is done. If he has time he probably writes a log. I think that having a log once a month is a good idea. It keeps you wondering about what they did within a month.
You're looking at the issue on a different level than I am. Sure, once a month or so would've been fine, but in the beginning, they did it way more often than once a month. It's like they just decided to neglect it. Do they have a reason for neglecting it? I'm sure the 310 ft tall roller coaster...blah, blah, blah has something to do wiht it. That doesn't mean it's right. If you're gonna neglect something and let it become pointless, then just plain don't do it. Like I said, I really couldn't give a care about those logs. They could take everything Millenium Force related off the web and my life would still go on fine. I'm not trying to be that guys mother or anything either. All I'm saying is there's principle behind doing stuff like that. *** This post was edited by RockDown2G on 2/11/00. ***
It's quite sad to see all these people with such a sense of entitlement. Did Cedar Point ever promise to update their log EVERY DAY? Speaking for myself, I'm extremely grateful for what Cedar Point has done with their website; they've been INCREDIBLY generous with the information they have shared.

I bet if they updated the construction log every other day and posted new pics every other day, the same people who complained before would still complain - maybe because the construction was focused on the same area for 2 weeks or something. It's ALWAYS something with complainers.
I don't know why I even bother sometimes. You obviously see me as some sort of MF maniac that thrives off tidbits of information that CP drops to the masses. First of all, Cedar Point has been incredibly generous NOT because they want you to be informed but because it's called, advertisement. They're creating a hype that will contribute to more $38 tickets bought this season. If no one knows about MF, isn't excited about it, or waits all winter for it, then no one will come ride it. So don't make CP seem like some generous God. Trust me, it might seem like it but CP is not doing us a favor anymore than they're doing themselves a favor. Second of all, I'm not complaining about the amount of MF info they provide. It just seems to me, that if you do something like a log, you should update it. That's it! Trust me, there are more important things in life than MF and I would be just as happy if with life if CP didn't even build a new ride this year.
Jeff's avatar
OK, the pissing match stops here.

Did anyone stop to consider even for a moment that there really has been NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT? Take it from someone who knows... nothing has happened in the last month other than the hanging of track, just like he mentioned in the January entry. This week they started playing with the lift cable and the kicker wheels in the station, so he made another entry. It was the first new thing to talk about in some time.

I'd rather he attended to the business of building the coaster than giving me a play-by-play of where each crane is and what steel worker is assigned to bolt down track.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
It was updated today.....
Exactly Jeff! (BTW, Thanks Monty!)

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
91 days until the real "Millennium
It was updated Feb 10...

Cable is up the track and cars are ON the track to adjust brakes on,etc...

Other than that there isn't much to talk about-we could post every time a bolt is tightened...

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