I've emailed CP a few times on this, but no response. I read an article where Kinzel stated that one of the early problems with STR is that the boats were too big. They accommodated 10 people, while it should have been 8 people. Well, it seems like they are using the same boats, just not seating in the last row. So, was it a weight issue and they will never use the back row, or are new, smaller boats coming eventually that seat eight only?
1 - The boats are supposed to seat 10. Due to a design/manufacturing flaw, seating that last row causes the back of the boat to bottom out (or so I've heard) and the solution was to keep those seats empty.
2 - I wouldn't be surprised if they are redesigning boats to be made for next season that seat the advertised 10 people.
3 - The park is never going to respond to you about it. The answer is "need to know", and you, me, Jeff, Walt or anyone else here doesn't fit in that category.
Goodbye MrScott
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