CONFIRMED!Mine Ride& Iron Dragon axed!

It has just been confirmed. Iron Dragon and the Mine Ride will be destroyed to make room for a new coaster. Read all about it in Thrillride, the source for inside CP info. LOL
I really hope you are kidding, about believing this becuase common sense would tell you that they arn't. Why would they tear down Mine Ride? They just got new controls for it. Second, Iron Dragon and Mine Ride aren't even remotly near each other. I could see if you said Iron Dragon and maybe... Wild Cat. If you don't believe this then why post it

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I agree with Magnum2G3, they are not close at all. Anyway, how much space would that really create???? Especially for a new ride which, knowing CP, would be especially big. Anyway, it said they would be the next to go IN A FEW YEARS and anyway, this is just another stupid ride op rumor. Do you really think CP would tell their ride ops the park plans for the next several years.

*** This post was edited by MFistheBEST on 6/13/2000. *** *** This post was edited by MFistheBEST on 6/13/2000. ***
ROTFLMAO...OMG! That is one of the lamest things I've ever heard. Ok, why the hell would CP do that?*with much sarcasm and laughter* lol...Mine Ride riders are going crazy this year, ID is still a pretty good coaster, and plus they would go from 14 coasters to 13, why would they do that? Who ever thought of that rumor is stupid.

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down *** This post was edited by somewhatchewy on 6/14/2000. ***
It seems people can't read in this message board. If you noticed, adding that LOL at the end hinted toward sarcasm, read more carefully before insulting people. He wasn't serious.

Visit my RCT CP site.
LOL- Laugh Out Loud
for those who need to know
or lots of laughs
or laughs on line...

Raptor Flights: 43
Force Rides: 19 *** This post was edited by Hooper on 6/14/2000. ***
People, Thrillride is fun to read, but it is a bunch of garbage. People just write in with random thoughts and dreams, hoping someone will believe them. Iron Dragon is not going anywhere. Sure there are better suspended coasters, but it is a fun ride and a beautiful ride. I doubt CP would tear down Mine Ride soon.
This is what I wrote to them LOSERS at Thillride:
U know, I have been looking at this site for awhile and I can tell u guys U don't know not a damn thing about Cedar Points Next moves are. How would U know about them removing Mine Ride and Iron D?? I don't think that they would cuz then they would lose the record for having the most coasters. So if I was u guys, get your stories stright or don't talk about Cedar Point again, cuz U guys are all BSers.
Now to us, CP is home away from home and WE don't need to hear that stuff from them. This page is the real Deal.
I know that a while back when many insane and ridiculous posts were being written that Jeff came out and asked everyone not to even respond to them. This just causes more aggravation and excites others to do the same.

I too find the notion of removing these rides to be unworthy of comment. Think about it as posted above. The Mine Ride got new controls this year. Do you really think they would do that if they were going to remove it?

GTTP if anyone has been around for even a short time proves itself to be the MOST RELIABLE source of information about CP. If I don't hear it here then I am hard pressed to believe it:)

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Take it easy Erick. Thrillride's Wild Rumors are just that. They never make any pretense that anything on there is true. Its just fun to read that's all.

I saw that post also, as well as many other wacky things they post on that site. No one should take anything they read there seriously. If you really want the scoop on what's going on at CP, stick to this site.

I just don't understand why coasterrush1 would post a dumb topic like this. I could see if it was a logical rumor worth posting but its not. I know you said LOL and I am not saying you believe it I am just saying it should not have been posted in this forum

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Just to satisfy you I just changed my post to what I should have put, I admit, I did sound slightly serious. Sorry bout that.

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down
what thrillride does is once a week they through in all the rumors that people send in to them and then they put them in the rumor section. the craziest new has to be the new kennywood one! but anyway we should send in that one about the hybrid that does into the lake and see if they run it on the site! i think the only thing thrillride looks for before posting it is if the person put that a ride op told me so!
"i used to just dream of a place like this, now i ride it!"
I agree with you Magnum2G3, why post a dumb topic and why have so many already responded to such nonsense even though most have used LOL.
Time to move on... *** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 6/14/2000. ***

Closed topic.

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