Comfortable Seats

I would of rather had laz-y-boys.

Live for FUN!

Well, nothing beats Leap-The-Dips for comfy seats, but I DO like the Intamin trains. As long as I don't have a Stapler (tm) checking the bar, I'll be happy.

MF count: 27
They deffinetly are the most comfortable IMO. I think the seats on it add to the overall smoothness of the ride, its wierd, because they dont even look like coaster seats.
S:UE at SFO has the inverted coaster 'buldge' at the crotch area which normally doesn't have an affect on a male rider.

But when the brakes would hit, the male hit. Anyone have this?

The MF ass-bump was a problem for me, but not my friend. I am bigger, so it must be the bigger you are, the more it affects you.

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