
For coastermania if you have a CP pass do you get ERT or do you have to pay an extra fee?


The University of Toledo 2010

Raptor Rides-363

You have to have a membership from a registered Coaster Club to get the ERT. But if you have that and a season pass it's free to get into Coastermania.

Here's a good club for you to join to get into Coastermania:

Jeff's avatar

Get it while it's hot...

Note the price for non-season pass holders is now $19.95.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I'm having a problem with the PDF file. It says there is an error loading a page, which is the first page. Is it the link or do I need to update my Acrobat Reader? Thanks!

bholcomb's avatar

The link works. Try right clicking, and choosing save as and saving it to your hard drive. Then double click it and see if it'll open that way.

If not, reinstall acrobat.

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