Coaster 16: Version 2.0

It was my impression that when I joined this forum that discussions would involve the developments, features and overall enjoyment of the benevolent Cedar Point and that opinions concerning such of all kinds as long as they fitted to the Acceptable Use Policy and were not slanderous could be honored and used for discussion amongst people who have something to say with respects to the park that this site honors.

This is the General forum which means that general topics about the park are open to jabber about, past, present and future.

If I really wanted to talk about the newly announced, highly anticipated and record-breaking Wicked Twister, I'd contribute my opinions in the Wicked Twister forum. But I'm not.

My here and now mentalitly is the issue of discussing what is yet to come after Coaster 15. This is why I began the discussion.

This discussion picks up after the threads on

Now, I believe Joe E. questioned something about seeing word about the next project in 2 years and hoping to see construction photo's of #16 next year. Is that accurate Joe E.?

I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"

Jeff's avatar
And that topic was closed by a moderator because we choose not to go down that road when we haven't even opened number 15. We ask that you respect that request instead of bringing it back up.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Closed topic.

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