Walt. I have a question for you .
I enjoyed the pics you took last year on closing day and was amazed
how quiet it was toward the end of the night.I was lucky enough to be
a witness to it first hand as that was the first year I was able to
be there on closing night.
I WAS planning on attending again this year but my boss had different
plans for me and unfortunatly was not able to attend this year(and
only 1 trip the entire year :().
I noticed that you have posted a nice photo from closing day and was
wondering if you plan on sharing a few more with us that were unable
to attend.I am looking forward to seeing how busy(or not) the crowds
were and the final day and night.
Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!
I have some pictures from closing day. Many of them are of a certain area that will look different next year, but I have others that I will post. We were gone before dark, so I don't have any "after dark" photos this year.
a certain area that will look different next year--care to elaborate abit ? I know you cant but it doesnt hurt to try.Have a great day!!:)
Well, it looks like if he wanted you to know he would have told you ;)
Rides 2001
Guest Services 2002
Haven't we already discussed a possible location of potential change in previous threads?
i know Vanessa and i didnt expect him to tell me anyway.Just trying to have a little fun and nothing more. I read these boards enough to know what to say and expect :)Guess its the off season boredom starting already or maybe a lack of sleep.Anyway we will know soon enough.take care all:)
I especially like the games employee who is very hard at work :)
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
I hope we still see those old growth trees on the midway next season. Those trees have been there since I began going to CP in 1966.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
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