I was at CP on Friday, and if you were working the Raptor at about 11:00, you know who I am. (About 5'8", green Offspring T-Shirt.. Anyway..)
So, my father and I get on the ride, second row. We pull the harnesses down, seatbelts in, they pop up. Ok, that's fine. Repeat the buckling process, and the harnesses go up again. There is nothing wrong here, we are in the station.
So, we are told to get out of the train and wait for the next one. Anyway, all the seats are cleared, and for the next 5 miniutes, about 3 ops pull in hoses and douse the last car in water. I mean, it was a good dousing. They really soaked the thing. Granted, these are inverted cars, no floor, so the water runs down, but I am curious as to know if this happens frequently (not for me) and if this is a common yet odd method of cleaning. *Although I can't think of a better way.. :)
Hey Mantisman..Ive noticed the same thing.At Hershey,a girl got sick on Great Bear(their inverted)and they did the same thing.Took out a huge hose and soaked the ride.then they proceeded to let people sit??No way...no thanks.Let that coaster run and dry off a few more times.The same for Batman at Six Flags.I guess they dont want to get in there with rags and towels.They also closed down Batman for an hour because someone lost their GLASS EYE.Ewwwww......
Only 7 dayz till I get to the POINT!!!!
Reminds me of a story a women at work told me. She worked at CP in the late seventies as a monster ride op. Apparently, if somebody gets sick on the ride or within the fenced in area around the ride then the ride ops had to clean it up. The sweeps handle it if they get sick outside the fence. She said people would get off and look pretty bad and the ops would quickly escort them outside the fence! If they got sick on the ride, they would clean the car and then run it empty a few times so the people in line would lose track of which car it was. Not many people are fond of riding in a car that was recently puked in.
I was at CP Sunday and a kid got sick on Mantis in the front row. They sprayed his compartment, hosed it off and then let that train ride empty for awhile to dry it off. I wouldn't sit down if it was wet.
*** This post was edited by net on 7/10/2000. ***
If someone gets sick on the ride, the crew is supposed to empty the entire train (no matter what car it is in), clean it out with water, then disinfectant spray, then run the train empty a couple of times until it is mostly dry. Of course, it varies up to the crew how it really works, and most riders are really understanding. Try cleaning vomit out of the DT trough!
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
You are not supposed to sit down on a stand up coaster anyways