Choosing to ride the front seat.

Is it possible to wait for the front seat on the Millenium Force, or will they make you ride wherever there is room?
I think that it depends on if the workers are in a good mood or not!

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
Well, only if the line is very short for the other seats.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
I think they'll have everyone who wanto to ride in the front seat stand to a cretain side of the line, like almost every park does with their big rides. Or maybe because of it's popularity, once you get so far in line there will be another section for front seat riders. That seems to make sense. But no matter how they do it, I WILL ride in the front seat atleast once this summer.
I'd guess they will set the station up like Mantis and Raptor, where there is a longer line they can fill for the front to accomidate as many people as they can.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
There is no possible way that I am passing up the front seat. Then my second time, I will go in the back.
Me too, CP_genius!
That sounds like what i'll probabbly do, if I can stand the wait twice.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
Yeah....i was planning on riding in the front...even if I have to wait another hour

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