Cheapest Mo/Hotel

What's the cheapest mo/hotel around Cedar Point? Nothing too far away, if I can't see CP from the mo/hotel's property, it's too far away. So what's the cheapest one for two people, 3 nights?
Gemini's avatar
Cheap within viewing distance of Cedar Point? Only one I can think of - the Ford Escort Inn. Of course, that's assuming you have a Ford Escort.

There are some that are more reasonable than others, but there are none that are cheap during the season.

Try for some lodging discounts.

Jeff's avatar
Look here:

You'll find good rates and if you book, you help out this site.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Econolodge on Rye Beach Road.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
I've been staying the last 3 years I've gone to the park at the Tudor Inn. It's 2214 Cleveland Road...1/2 mile away from CP. For a room with twin beds it's about $30 a night in june (which is when I usually go). The manager said last year that the prices usually go up through the season as May being the cheapest and prices rising from there. It's not the nicest place I've ever stayed, but you can sleep there, and that's all I ever needed.

I'd rather kiss a wookiee...
Ahhh the Econolodge... many memories... hehehehe

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
Dan is right Econolodge on Rye Beach.
Gemini's avatar
Where is the Econolodge on Rye Beach Rd?

I believe you mean the Econolodge on Cleveland Rd in Sandusky :)

If I know somebody living in the onsite dorms, can I stay with them?

All your base are belong to us! *** This post was edited by 300FTMONSTER on 4/3/2001. ***
Nope. Non-employees are not allowed to stay overnight in employee housing. I think they can only stay until 11 or midnight.

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - ???????
Here check this out. Not only is this a cheap hotel, but there is also a camp ground within a few miles of cedarpoint.

When I went in August last year, we stayed in a, I believe it was "Howard Johnson" motel. It was nice. It had a pretty big TV, a pool, little coffee maker with the coffee in it and two cups, and two beds. It only ran us about 75 bucks for one night. My Uncle likes to walk to stay in shape, so he figured he'd go walk around, and he said he walked to the park and back. He was only gone for an hour or so.

Hope that helps...

"Sorry, gotta go, my damn wiener kids are listening."

~From the brilliant mind of Homer J. Simp

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