I myself personally think last years is better but who am i to judge i still love da point :)
"Stand-up right,Hold on tight and enjoy your ride on MANTIS"
but if ya look closer it just looks like a sketch or maybe its just me wanting to think that i dont know i need some other input on it guys! jeff!
"Stand-up right,Hold on tight and enjoy your ride on MANTIS"
I'm sure theat they aren't done with it. They are probably going to put some trees in and make the colar better.
I like that the map shows more detail of the non-public areas. It is interesting to see the layout of things "behind the fence" I have always wished for a more realistic rendering instead of the cartoonish look. Check out Magnum's second hill compared to the pretzel turnaround - what the ?
If that IS it, I'm definitely in great denial right now!!! The map, the map, the map!!! They must not let the tradition die... Getting to see the map revamp every few years is certainly a treat, and I, for one, have become spoiled by the fact that each successor has been better and better while also being a reflection of the latest "style." Can anyone verify this by a newly arrived getaway guide???
-Dave Kochman
*** This post was edited by DaveTKoch on 4/7/2000. ***
is there a certain company that makes these maps? the geauga lake one looks like the same style. they must make a monkey crap load of moolah.
"I'm a jerk I'm a PUNK took a shower cause I stunk", Blink 182's Degenera
Most likely an independent artist or firm. A guy by the name of Dave Fitch was doing CP's maps for a while--most likely independent. I have no idea if this is still his work or not we're seeing.
-Dave Kochman
*** This post was edited by DaveTKoch on 4/7/2000. ***