Cedar Point videos

What videos do you have? I have the Cedar Point memories that was aired on PBS, the 125th anniversary video and several souvenir videos. I also have the video totally dedicated to the Raptor. I also have several clips i have taped off the TV dating back to the opening of the Magnum. Also I taped several specials of the Discovery Channel, Travel Channel and the History Channel, all with plenty of CP footage. Also I own 3 of the coasters in 3-d videos which have at least 3 of Cedar Point's coasters on them.
I would like to see a sequel to the memeories video with updated footage.
Wow dude! I don't think I'll ever consider myself a CP or coaster freak again after reading that post. I have a downloaded video of Xcellerator, a POV of MF and fuzzy pictures that I took of Dragster after it was topped off. That's about it.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here. - Jack Nicholson

I have the Raptor one, and I also have the one where they give you a tour of the Point, can't remember the name right now.
I have Raptor, Mantis, and a Cedar Point Employee Orientation video.
There is also the Discovery Channel "Worlds Largest Amusement Park" video which is excusively CP obviously, there was a promotional video called Get to the Point in at least two versions they use to sell in the Gift Shops. (probably what you mean by souvenir videos) Don't know if there are any others.
Question about The Rollercoasters of Cedar Point video on that page. What POV videos does it have? Is it worth $19.95?
2003 - First Time Season Pass Holder
I have the Cedar Point: A Summertime Tradition, The Roller Coasters of Cedar Point, I taped the World's Greatest Amusement Park. I think that's the sole CP ones. I have probably ten other coaster videos and DVD's.

What is most anticipated event of 2003? the debut of Dragster, the release of Metallica's new album, the release of Terminator 3, or the release of Matrix:Reloaded...tough call.

Pagoona, I purchased THE ROLLERCOASTERS OF CEDAR POINT video last year. It has POV videos of Blue Streak, Mean Streak, Raptor, Mantis, Magnum, and of course Millennium Force. Is it worth the twenty bucks? Well, it does have some interesting construction footage of MF, including the topping off and the last piece of track. And it's well done. Personally, I think it could have been priced lower; the Discovery Channel video is a better value for the same price. But if you are a true Cedar Point fan, go for it. It has a great sound track, comes in an attractive hard plastic case, and you'll be helping the park finance coaster #17.
*** This post was edited by MForce 3/1/2003 12:40:23 AM ***
On the World's Largest Amusement Park does the one on the CP site have more footage than the one discovery Channel showed, or is it the same.

New For 2003 Top Thrill Dragster Tallest Coaster Ever!!

Yeah it does have a bit more (blueprints!)... ;)

I have the Discovery special, the Raptor video, The Roller Coasters of Cedar Point, that coaster DVD, and tons of taped Discovery/Travel channel coaster shows.

Dragster "Top Thrills": 0
World's first strata-coaster!

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I have the Coasters Of Cedar Point video, as well as the Discovery Channel special and some random things I taped off the news (such as WT's media day and TTD's announcement). I had a lot of Discovery and Travel Channel shows, but my friend lost the tape.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

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