Here is something fun (since my history thread flopped this time ;)) I was over at rec.rollercoaster, and there was a discussion going on about a create-your-own Monopoly board game (sold in toy stores everywhere). I decided to turn my version into Cedar Point-opoly!
How would you arrange your board? Here is my arrangement:
The starting square: Cedar Point's main gate
Two green squares ($400&$500): Soak City & Challenge Park
Three purple squars ($900, $1000, $1200): Sandcastle Suites, Lighthouse Point & Hotel Breakers
Three orange squares (1400, 1500, 1700): Cedar Downs, Giant Wheel, & Space Spiral
Three dk blue sqrs (1800, 1900, 2000): Chaos, Demon Drop & Witches Wheel
Three yellow sqrs (2100, 2300, 2500): Wild Cat, Mine Ride & Corkscrew
Three magenta sqrs (2600, 2700, 2800): Gemini, Blue Streak & Mean Streak
Three lt blue sqrs (2900, 3100, 3200): Power Tower, Mantis & Raptor
Two red squares (3600, 4000): Magnum XL-200 & Millennium Force
Two Utility squares: water & electricity
Four Transportation Co square: Turnpike Cars, Dodgem, Sky Ride & CP&LE R.R.
One Lose a Turn square(like Go to Jail): Caught line jumping!
One Free corner square(like Free Parking): You have won an online ticket from collect $38
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
Hey Neil...been there done that..OWN the game:) My brother "made" a Cedaropoly for me for Christmas back in 1989(?)...I remember Magnum is the Broadwalk...I'll have to take a peek tonight and give the layout of the board tomorrow.
you'll need an updated version of that old timer...1989 was a LONG time ago!
I have the make-your-own monopoly, got it last year. Of course the thought never occurred to me to make it Cedar Point (now it sounds awesome though). So, I made it Dragonball Z, which, by the way, came out great. Maybe I'll buy another. It really is cool because you can do everything on computer and import images to put on the squares.
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris Grant -Representin' Motown
What a fantastic idea! I never thought of it. Where can I get the "make-your-own-opoly" stuff? I remember seeing it in the stores, and this would be hilarious! *Grin*
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters Don't make me RECOUNT! Take the CP Coaster POLL!
I have to go with PSUMagnum... 1989?!?!?!?
Man.. you need to update that thing! Your game is missing a ton of stuff! ;)
Just thinking of ways to pass the winter doldrums!
CrystalKat: I saw it a few weeks ago in ToysRUs (shopping for the nephew ;)) so I picked one up! I haven't really torn into it yet, but rather planning out how I'm going to make it. It comes with software, so you can make everything on your computer, including the "Chance" and "Community Chest" cards, which you can customize. (and yes, you can even customize your money... as in "Cedar Point Munch Money!")
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
*** This post was edited by Seven-of-9 on 11/29/2000. ***
I found a website for what seems to be the same thing, -------------
Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP is the was actually 1993...and when PSUMAGNUM sees it he will try to take it.
Anyhow here is how the game is laid out...
First property group...Kiddieland,Cedar Downs
Luxury Tax Square..."CP Marina Dock Fee Pay 10% or $200
Second Property Group...Wave Swinger, Sky Ride, Western Cruise
Third Property Group...Lusty Lil's, Red Garter Saloon, Centennial Theatre
Fourth Property Group...Wildcat, Mine Ride, ron Dragon
Fifth Property Group...Jungle Larry Safari,Imax,Oceana
Sixth Property Group...Thunder Canyon, White Water Landing, Snake River Falls
Seventh Property Group...Blue Streak, Gemini, Mean Streak
Eighth Property Group...Raptor, Magnum
The "utilities squares" are Hotel Breakers and Sand Castle Suites
Railroad Squares are Food Stands...SkyRide Refreshments, Silver Dollar Cafe,Breakwater Cafe, Bay Harbor Inn
Jail is Kid Arthur's Court
Free Parking is Pet Check
The Chance Cards are CP Arcade and the Community Chest cards are Midway Games
I wouldn't change a thing on the game...yes CP has changed over the last few years but the game is a "snapshot in time".
Hey maybe someday we can have a virtual game of Cedaroply...I have the game and the beer is cold:)
*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 11/30/2000. ***
Thought I'd take a gander at how I would set up a board here in December 2000...
Start = Guest Services
Purple Group = Kiddie Coasters
Jr. Gemini
Woodstock Express
Light Blue Group = Water Rides
Snake River Falls
Thunder Canyon
Whitewater Landing
Maroon Group = Carousels
Kiddie Carousel
Midway Carousel
Cedar Downs
Orange Group = Vertical Rides
Space Spiral
Demon Drop
Power Tower
Red Group = Tamer Coasters
Disaster Transport
Iron Dragon
Yellow Group = Wooden Coasters
CC Mine Ride (yeah, I know)
Blue Streak
Mean Streak
Green Group = Top Coasters
Dark Blue Group = Mega/Hypers
Millennium Force
Other spaces --
Railroads -
Main Midway
Gemini Midway
Oceana Midway (or new name)
Frontier Trail
Utilities -
Challenge Park
Soak City
Income Tax - Night at the Breakers
Luxury Tax - Night at Sandcastle Suites
Chance - Fascination
Community Chest - Skee Ball
Go to Jail - Line jumping (LOVE that one, SEVEN)
Jail - Out of the Park!
Free Parking - IMAX theatre (a large open space where nothing, according to Monopoly rules, happens)
Duane Cahill
Once again, spending the off-season at GTTP
Too bad custom game peices can't be done. But here's a small list for them anyway.
Carosel Horse
Dodgem Car (from Dodgem #2)
Antique or Cadalac Car
Front Car of Magnum train(or any other coaster)
CP Logo
Funday Ticket
Steam Locomotive
Guiness Book of World Records
Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
Monster....maybe if you had some metal, a dremel tool and talent it could be done.
If she weighs as much as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch.
You could use one of those Cedar Point penny in a jar things, and use it for a piece. You could make a Chance card the says: Get stapled in 3rd seat on Magnum. Pay 200 for broken thighs.
Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
*** This post was edited by Magnum 1989- on 12/2/2000. ***
In addition to the "Make-your-own"-opoly game board, it is now possible to create your own game board to play on your computer with the latest version of the Hasbro Interactive "Parker Brother's officially sanctioned" Monopoly CD-ROM game. It looks good enough that I might just pick it up, even though I do have an earlier version of it that still works just fine.
What would be very cool (though is probably not available as an Internet playing feature--at least in this version) would be to design a board, have other players connect to your machine as the host (server), and then be able to send the custom-designed board's specifications to their (client) machines for at least that game, with the option for them to save the board for their own future use.
John (Monopoly and Cedar Point fan, finally catching up on his GTTP forum reading)
"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
Here are few Idea's for The community chest-chance cards
You have a ticket to ride! Advance to Millennium Force
Funday Ticket- Advance to Park Entrance (go)
Play Guessing game- loose $15
Rain/wind/waterspout- rides close- loose a turn
High score in skeeball- collect $100
Take A ride on the CP&LE railroad
And also- houses should be A new Cabin
A Hotel- Hotel Breakers
Joe E
To follow up on Joe E's idea:
Caught line jumping! Go directly to [Jail]. Do not pass [Go!]. Do not collect 200 CP$.
You've just scored a Red Row win at Fascination! Collect 10CP$! ("2nd prize beauty contest" card)
Pay 15CP$ to vending machines in Millennium Force line for refreshment. ("Poor tax" card)
Talk to the Lemon Chill Guy about the secret future of Cedar Point! Lose one turn.
"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
Hey I just got another one of the Make-your-own-opoly packages for Christmas and I am currently working on turning it into Cedar Point-opoly - I should have it done soon - Once I do finish, I will try to take a picture of the board and post it here...
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
Roller Coaster Tycoon all the way!!! -------------
I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, but that... was... AWESOME!!! But, sorry about your car, man
...and that has everything to do with the conversation about board games how?
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 12/30/2000. ***
Hey I need some more ideas for the Community Chest/ Chance cards, mostly relating to gaining and losing money. Anybody else have any?
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
Gain Money: Cleaned out underneath Chaos, collect 15 dollars.
Loose money: Paid full price for admission. Loose $100