Cedar Point on Rosie

Sorry for posting this in the MF section, but today on Rosie, Drew Carry (spelling?) was telling Rosie how he likes to go to Cedar Point in Sandusky and that the rides there are much better and more intense than at Disney World, that's where they are taping the show right now. Thought everyone might want to know.

America's Roller Coast
I saw that too. And Drew was freaked out about how aesome Cedar POint is!
They are filming a show at CP or disneyworld? I would hope CP since it is closer to his "hometown."
No, Rosie is at Walt Disney World Orlando taping. It's a little thing she does on her show: about once a year she takes the show to a different part of the country to tape the show for a week or two.
Funny, she said she almost threw up on Rockin Roller Coaster. Wonder how she would handle MF?

Jeff Young
Yes, it is true, Rosie is taping at Disney World, but hopefully my letter will change that! You wouldn't believe how many calls i got after that aired!
She seriously should do a show in Cedar Point, and have Drew as her co-host. :-)

America's Roller Coast
God, I hope she's not there when I'm there.

Put her on my top 5 most annoying celebrities list.

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
Actually having been forced to watch Rosie by my wife and daughter, I can say that Rosie would never be able to handle anything more than the Woodstock Express. She is a major coaster wuss, but it would be too cool if she taped from CP. I'd love to sit back and laugh at her fear. muhahaha
Much as I love CP, I still wouldn't watch...

... unless of course, they'd promise a segment where she'd fly off the Super Himalaya!

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
CP Guy, she should have me as a co-host!

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
I couldnt stop laughing when they showed her riding tower of terror, she was laughing so hard and to see her face as it kept droping, I was rolling!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

jjfang... last year she rode the INcredible Hulk.. that was quite a site!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
They should put Rosie on Ripcord and cut the wire. Or better yet, let her on Ripcord and cut the wire while she's riding with Kathie Me Gifford. Two birds with one stone!
LuvRaptor's avatar

I think it would be more awesome to put Kathy Lee on Raptor but "forget" to lock the shoulder restaint-watch her splat on the midway....
(sorry Dave I can not stand her either)
I do not think that CP would agree to allow Rosie to tape from CP-that would be a MESS-especially with this being MFs debute year. If she is not a coaster fan then keep her outta there-CP has enough people to contend with for now!
(I had often said that I would never get married again unless I found the man to marry me on Raptor and let me throw my bouquet from the top of PT (maybe MF now!) but have heard that CP doesnt like that type of "hype"-and I would never get the approval to do that. So really dont see Rosie getting in either.
(so apparently I am never getting married again)
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

Luv Raptor i completely agreee w/ the Kathey Lee thing. Although.... Mantis might be a little more intereseting to do that w/!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I saw one of the shows at Universal Studios, and she rode The Hulk. She rode it with NSYNC

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